Just a peek

Aug 14, 2005 04:31

Heya everyone.. I was prodded, goaded, cursed and growled into hopping on here.. And now my friend can no longer be angry with me.. he knows who he is. Anyway.. I went to Steaknshake tonight with this amigo of mine.. Which, for all the horrible service and stale strawberry shortcakes.. turned out to be a pretty good night. Not quite sure why.. but a good night nonetheless. As it is.. its 4:30 am and I'm doing laundry and playing on here.. and looking forward to going to work in the morning. Come to think of it I'm probably only happy and chipper because I'm sleep deprived at the moment. Yay. It's rush atthe bookstore.. a.k.a the beginning of fall classes at the college. And so I've been neglecting and shorting my friends.. I'm sorry guys.. I really am trying to appease everyone.. but with everybody's conflicting schedules and preferences about who they're willing to hangout with and who they aren't.. and curfews and all that other schiedt.. It's getting hard to wrap my little brain around it all. I think I need to have it cleaned out so I can store more stuff in there.. it's getting cluttered just like the rest of my life. Ok.. my mind is wandering again.. I was just staring off into space for about five minutes. So I'm going to be all happy and put in a good song.


"Everything in this room is eatable! Even I am eatable, but that, children, is called cannibalism and is in fact frowned upon in most societies."
Johnny Depp- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory
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