exequial: Adam thinks this is just further proof that he is an amazing god.
Brandi: hahahaha oh Adam
Ruthi: he's playing tthat our god is an awesome god song
Ruthi: about himself
Brandi: ohmy god I just laughed so hard at that
exequial: ajdk ahhahahaha
Ruthi: LOL i made myself laugh pretty hard too ;_;
Brandi: hahaha I just see him with this dorky look on his face
Brandi: all sitting there, it playing in his head
Brandi: as he sits at the bar, sipping on his appletini
Ruthi: jgxcklxjgkldsf
Ruthi: LMFAO
Ruthi: lol i put on the mp3 and now i'm like dying
Brandi: hahahahaha oh god
Brandi: I think the part I love most
Brandi: is that you have it
exequial: This entire conversation is just too amazing.
Ruthi: i dont even know why i have it
Ruthi: god ghave it to me