Apr 15, 2006 14:13
I played the Good Friday service at St. Thomas last night. It marked my one year anniversary at St. Thomas. Finding a church home that wonderful in berea gave me something really neccessary to my survival up here. My faith and my sense of community has grown so much in the past year.
It was a beatiful and introspective service. The cello is the most perfect Good Friday instrument- we didn't use any organ, i accompanied the hymns. It was nice, because I felt like I was thanking everyone for the past year.
Plus, they gave me a nice paycheck, which i need pretty desperately right now. 3 gigs, 3 weekends in a row. Perhaps I'll recover the money I lost when I overdrew... grrr...
I have an overwhelming amount of work I want to finish by tomorrow... Who cares about comparing mass movements of DuFay and Josquin? Do you think it is going to directly affect my treatment of a small child with autism or an old woman with alzeihmers? ***whips out guitarDuFay was a man, who wrote imitative polyphony clap clap*** I will forget everything I learn from Hist & Lit 1 on May 2. Hopefully no sooner :-)
I went for another 4 mile run today. It was truly lovely. I supposed being cooped up for 6 months (2 of them wearing two pairs of pants everday because it's so freaking cold) makes you appreciate spring even more. It's like how colors seem so bright outside after you escape from 4 hours in a practice room. They wouldn't seem as intense if you hadn't been staring at beige walls for so long.
The agenda: trio rehearsal, snack, Hist and Lit, possibly dinner with adam, Hist and Lit, phone with my mum as she reads our traditional Easter book, "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes," aloud over the phone.