Jan 12, 2008 20:28
A couple of notes before starting my traditional list of "things last year that were awesome":
1) Genre/platform specific and "Overall Game of the Year" awards will come later. This is partly because I want to give all games their due consideration (read: finish Mass Effect), partly because I'm busy, and partly to add a false sense of suspense.
2) Blogs may come slow(er) now, at least for awhile, as I'm fairly busier than I was last semester. The more writing intensive courses may or may not have much of an effect on my time, but I've made a personal vow to finish "Tobias' Tale" before the semester is over, and I can't do that if I'm not actually, you know... writing it.
I also took up a "job" writing an Opinions column for the Daily Toreador (Texas Tech's newspaper, for those not in the know), so that'll keep me a bit busy as well. Chances are, things I'd write in my blogs will be things that show up there, weekly. So feel free to check www.dailytoreador.com on Fridays (I think?) if you REALLY need to read stuff from me.
Ok, on to the awards! Both serious and... not serious. In absolutely no order, here's a general look back at the crazy ride that was Twenty Aught Seven.
Best Movie Featuring Giant Robots: Transformers
Celebrity With Most Appropriate Last Name: Megan Fox
Best Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Best Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager: Pam
Best Video Game Music: Halo 3
Best Original Song: "Still Alive" (AKA "The Portal Song")
Best Companion Cube: The Weighted Companion Cube
Most Disappointing Game: Lair
Worst Game: Sonic the Hedgehog
Most Addictive Game: TIE - Picross DS and Puzzle Quest
Best Game You Should've Played: TIE - Picross DS and Puzzle Quest and Zack & Wiki
Best Reason to FINALLY Leave World War II: Call of Duty 4
Best Underwater Adventure: Bioshock
Best Game Story: Bioshock
Best Conclusion to the Halo Trilogy: Halo 3
Best Multiplayer: Call of Duty 4
Best Use of Portal Technology: Portal
Best Game That Was Once a Student Project: Portal
Best Fraternity: Kappa Pizza Pi
Best Use of a Creative License: The Darkness
Best Game Sonic Team's Made in Like a Long Time: NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
Best Group of Young Inklings: The Young Inklings
Best New Pipe Smokers: TIE: Matt and Noah
Worst Executive Decision of the Year: Firing Jeff Gerstmann
Best Game About Assassins and Templars: Assassin's Creed
Best Mario Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Best Vampire Slayer: Buffy
Best Hero: Hiro
Best Pop Star Leading a Double Life: Hannah Montana
Best Powerade Flavor: Mountain Blast
...OK, now I'm just running out of ideas. If I think of anything else that's actually noteworthy, I'll include it in Part II.