Mar 22, 2004 21:38
She still has that affect on me
(She still has that affect)
She still can make me turn my head
(turn my head away)
She still has that affect on me
(make it go away)
both - make my hate burn (for you)
both - make my hate burn
(you make me burn)
Second verse pending
normal text: calm speaking voice
( ) : Screaming
So yeah, I went to a meeting for Mexico. Our youth group is going to TJ to build a house for a family in Mex and we have to go to four of these eight meetings. Well, SHE was there. I heard that she was coming but I guess that I chose not to believe it, or something, so I was surprised to see her there. And sitting next to her watching her smile and laugh and remembering how she made me feel just got my emotions going. I just have this resentment for her that I can't get rid of.
these are some lyrics that I'm messing around with. The loved/(Hated) are said at the same time 'loved' being spoken and 'hated' being scramed so that the hated overpowers the loved.
This expressing how I once loved her but now I only have hate.
I never truly loved/(Hated) someone
Until I loved/(Hated) you/(you)
If anyone can think up any other lyrics from your own experiences with 'love' feel free to comment on this. If you don't mind me tweaking them a little bit to make them fit the same scheme, I'd love to write a song filled with everyone's pain. but if you just want to share and don't want me to use your example thats ok too. just leta me know.
I will never know how much I made you cry
I can't concieve the pain you took
before you died
My torture is nothing
Compared to what you did
willingly and lovingly
for a stupid kid
This stupid kid is grateful, though he doesn't always show.
All of his love for you
He just wants you to know.