May 30, 2006 00:09
I know this person whose w/this guy no body really likes..and it reminds me of the bad things from the past. I'm so sick and tired of thinking about it. I don't like it at all really. Because I get the feeling something bads going to happen. I don't want it to..I'm in one of those "I don't know what to do" situations.. I've been through alot with several guys, and it would kill me to see it happen to any one of my friends. Sigh. In other news..My job is going good. One of my managers is being a big fat whore, and I can't stand her. She makes me wanna quit, but I love working at McDonalds otherwise so I be stayin' there. Um..Don't know anything else..Uuhh..I'm attempting to go n get my GED because i found out I need it...heh. My diploma I graduated w/isn't worth shit, shoulda just dropped out. It woulda been easier. Everything sucks though. I feel like gettin a GED is calling me a loser. -.- o0o..I recolored my hair black!! But it has alot of BLUE in it. :) :) :) I be puuuuuurty. <3333