Jan 09, 2008 20:52
Alcyone came over to bring me back the suitcase she borrowed for her holiday trip to Lumi Island, Washington. I'm getting ready to make my yearly pilgrimage to Orlando for my conference. Not a conference I'll be attending, rather one I'll be slaving at for 10 days. I intended to spend tonight cleaning and doing laundry... so far only a few loads of laundry have been done. But because I needed my suitcase to pack for Orlando, Alcyone came over. Alcyone was my roommate and we used to talk every day for hours after work. Until one day she met a wonderful man, fell madly in love and moved out. I'm so thrilled for her relationship, as they are truly in love, but I do miss our time together. I would never dream of passing up such an opportunity so I abandoned cleaning and enjoyed her company. I had a thought...
"I was thinking the other day about how our animals reflect us in personality." I said. "Look at Abeni, she's so much like me. We're a perfectly matched dog and human combination. I look at her and I see myself... in canine form"
"Yea, I see that too." She said, nodding with interest.
"Then i started thinking about you, with all of your animals. I was trying to decide which one best represented you. None of them seemed to really reflect you. It puzzled me for a moment. Then i thought, what if each of your animals just reflect one little piece of you, and together they reflect you as a whole."
"Hey! I like that!" she said. I paused for a moment, not sure whether or not to go on. In fact i hadn't thought much further along that that. "So how do you think each of them reflect me? What specifically?" Well, I thought. No time like the present!
"Take George for example." I said, smiling fondly as I remembered the many occasions where the large white cat reminded my 60 lb pit/lab mix that she did NOT run the house. "He is definitely in charge, but he's cool. He does his job, you do yours.... but if you cross the line you get swatted. That is you in Stage Manager/Teacher form. You're cool, you're chill, but when someone doesn't do their part you tell it like it is."
"Yea!" she said, "That's so true! What else?"
I thought of her other cat, the young, awkward one called Freya. I thought of her curling up in your lap, getting cozy, but bolting the moment a hand went somewhere she didn't like. "Freya is the fragile, insecure part of you. She is timid and moves uncomfortably under the touch of strangers."
"Wow, you're right. She is like that." She smiled at me warmly. I knew she was also thinking of all we knew of each other's lives, all our talks. We are close. "What about Charlie?"
Charlie is, without a doubt, the coolest rabbit I've ever met. Granted I haven't met that many rabbits in my time, but don't let that diminish Charlie's coolness. He's a bad ass. "Charlie is the cool part of you, the you that everyone wants around at parties because you kick ass." She laughed a big friendly laugh and grinned. "I haven't given Stewart much thought, I'm not sure how he represents you." I fell silent to think about the floppy eared rabbit who always keeps his cage a mess despite Alcyone's constant attention.
"He's the part of me that's a fucking mess!" We both laughed out loud.How true! She means well, and when she cleans she really cleans well... but mostly she's incredibly messy.
"There is one more," I said.
"But I don't have any other animals" she said, looking at me curiously.
"I know, but you want more which makes me think there is something missing." I replied. "You don't have an animal that reflects your groovy feminine spirit."
She gazed at me. "You're right," she said. "That part is missing".
"The next animal you get, the next animal that comes into your life without trying, will come to reflect your beautiful feminine spirit right back onto you."
We smiled at each other.
"I like that" she said with a nod. "I think you're right."