Holy jeez

Sep 15, 2004 11:30

Good lord, it's been like years since i've last updated! things around here have been good, just busy. im finishing up my last semester here at UK and i'm freakin out because i don't know what i want to be when i grow up! why does this happen to me? lol anyway, glad to see Amanda finally got a LJ! hehe Anyway, going to chicago this weekend to see my friends Jen and Laura and participate in a motorcycle ride for Autism. you can check it out at http://www.cureautismnow.com/home/article/news/4000.jsp It's for a good cause and I have an excuse to miss work and class so it's even better! hahaha my birthday is 12 days! i'm super excited about that...even though it's on a Monday and i have class until 6.30pm boooo. Oh well, what can you do? I hope to go and eat or just go have some drinks w/ some close friends the new apartment is totally freakin ass awesome! my roommate kara is the best! she takes care of me and is a great roommate! I hope I'm as good of a one to her! she's taking me to the airport tomorrow, and is a little miffed that I'm missing the first home football game, but i promised to make it up to her...i might throw her a surprise birthday party! who knows? That's right, things are wonderful @ 545. We're even getting along w/ the neighbor Grant, bless his heart, he's had all kinds of 'money pit' problems as we have. we like to compare stories! but ya know, i wouldn't trade any of this stuff for nothing! i wish i could have lived @ the apartment instead of the house, but what can you do? I'm learning from the past and hopefully won't repeat some mistakes from it! Okay, well since I'm at work I guess i should be productive. I'm going to catch up on some homework. i'm online...aim: serra1881, or msn @ serra71@hotmail.com catch me there and we can kill time together! haha :) Peace, love, and lots of other goodness, sarelizbeth
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