Dec 11, 2014 15:23
...I went for my di-annual eye exam. I found out that reason the vision in my right eye is distorted (everything appears squashed laterally and slightly off-kilter) was that I have something called "macular folding", meaning that a portion or portions of my retina folded due possibly to the adhesion of the aqueous humor to the retina, which either has not released properly, or which has stretched the retina at that site so that it snapped back into folds. This gives a distorted vision, much like the way a movie screen image would look distorted if you were watching someone behind it fold the material as you watch. It might be related to the diabetus, or it might not be. The doc couldn't tell me for sure. The optometrist has made appointment with an eye surgeon, and I should be seeing him (or her) in about 3 months. The condition is not immediately serious requiring immediate attention, so that's a positive. Any surgery however, carries risks, and I'm a little apprehensive what the surgeon will say.