back in action

May 06, 2005 15:36

hello everyone. this is like the first entry in like alot of days. well i got my prom dress today!!!!!!! wooooo. holy shit im so excited. seriously its like yur mini wedding day. and i dont mean to be like those like pretty girls who are like omg prom. but i am excited for it. i cant wait to like look pretty for once. anyways. today me and jessica experienced the weirdest day ever. lets list the weirdness shall we?

1.) pregnant fight in lunch
2.) man walking a really really fat and stubby dog with really long ears
3.) the huge yellow truck pulling out in front of us and the man driving had a really big curley mustache
4.) me and jess getting our periods at the same exact time at the dress shop
5.) seeing tony driving
6.) the really geeky scrawny boy with glasses in the really nice expensive car, with the bass like bumping. and him stretching and putting his hands behind his head and holding it, like flexing
7.) driving past my house and seeing my neighbor mowing my lawn
8.) driving the wrong way to davids bridal for a really long time. then noticing we were going the wrong way and almost going the wrong way again.
9.) discovering jessica rode on the handicapped bus in elementary school
10.) glass licker! me- what does that mean? then noticing it was really mean

well i gues thats it. im sure alot of other stuff happened becuase me and jessica laugh at the stupidest shiot. buuuutt. those were the highlights of the day. but ann maire is coming over now, and im really excited becuase shes bringing mcflurrys with mcoreos!! woo. i cant wait. i love her alot. and jessica too. we might hang out with her later. but were going to meg lawlesss later too so that should be a fun time.

well today was a good day and im really happy. tomorow work 10-3 then going to see tonys tux. i luv him <3 welll....i guess i will update later because i got this thing up and running! peace out <3
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