Originally, 1001 things for post #1001, but too big, now 101!
1.Seasoned salt on cottage cheese is bomb.
2. Found a big hole on bottom of salt, not bomb.
3. Slavic taped up hole. My hero!
4. Pray for Slavic, so he passes his exam for a nursing license
5. tomorrow.
6. I hate pills, even in pudding.
7. I love Christina
8. I have an Eclipse calendar, courtesy of my mom, and Taylor Lautner is hot.
9. My lily plant is going to bloom soon again...finally.
10. I love whirlpools and talking to Julianne.
11. I love my kindle.
12. I watch Teen Mom on MTV all the time now.
13. I write awesome emails to advocate for myself. Now, I have to convince my dr. to write one for me! (or write one he signs!)
14. I am addicted to reading free books on my kindle
15. Merna, my roomie is moving out Friday. Early. 'Cause medicaid sucks. :(
16. Mom won't even go to Enrichment with me. Not really surprised.
17. I feel pretty.
18. Lending kindle books=
http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=tsm_1_fb_kin_kbloan_20110131?ie=UTF8&nodeId=20054932019. I can't stop eating these wheat crackers Baltahazar gave me.
20. I have the coolest purple case for my kindle.
21. Epic fail.
22. 8592= last 4 digits of my zip.
http://www.booksonboard.com//index.php?BODY=viewbook&BOOK=292592 Doesn't this ebook look good? All her books look good.
24. I'm buying hospital gown garments. Not sure if I want to explain them to people here.
25. I need to call my aunt Sue.
http://www.blogher.com/frame.php?url=http://www.salon.com/life/feature/2011/01/15/feminist_obsessed_with_mormon_blogs/index.html28. I'm tired.
29. Disability lib=
http://dmi-us.blogspot.com/30. Need to write Jewel and Lisa
31. Need to write in wheelingwoman.com
32. need to set up new credit union account online
33. Dad clipped my toe nails today
34. 360 725 1570\
35. not sure if I want to end my fued with ms. Therapy. I wanted her t stop ranting.
36. I hate that this place is so inaccessible
http://www.npr.org/2010/11/08/131070921/npr-nursing-home-database37. I get a shower tomorrow.
38. The Blazers beat the spur
39. I miss my Bose
40. I glad to have my own internet (Thanks Scott!)
41. the buildings' internet never works long.
42. I hate applesause
43. elide: to suppress; omit; ignore; pass over.
http://www.seventeen.com/cosmogirl/sarah-dessen-essay45. people don't understand thyroid disease. My weight gain isn't because I'm overeating or lazy. People sometimes suck.
46. I am taking the botox matter in my own hands. Doing my dr.'s work for him.
http://www.ugo.com/music/50-best-they-might-be-giants-songs48. Snowing=everywhere; sunny= here in portland/vancouver
49. Going to new Costco Friday! (Right by parent's house)
http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/02/boyfriend-doesnt-have-ebola-probably.html51. I am in love with the Dr. Phil family,
http://www.drphil.com/slideshows/slideshow/5802/?id=5802&showID=146352. I really screwed it up this time. Didn't I, my dear?
53. Lol
54. Want out.
55. And the moon's never seen me before, because I'm reflecting light.
56. Live less than 2 miles from border, haven't been to Oregon for like over a year and a half.
57. Another one bites the dust.
58. They will not control us.
59. Don't care.
http://askjan.org/61. Black amethyst at Bath and Body smells divine
62. I love purple.
63. I have a pillow pet. Purple unicorn.
64. I love my camelback water bottle. No spills!
65. I have a cup of coffee on my shelf. One of the aides left it.
66. I know when to shut my mouth
67. Why do people hate on religon?
68. My brain is bigger than yours. One good thing about FA
69. No two, I look younger and prettier too. Yay FA?
70. Nevermind.
http://www.leftybydefault.com/2009/11/19/gimp/72. Care Medical can go to hell
73. Yawn!
74. I'm still here.
75. Tell me secrets.
76. Alone.
77. Already miss college football
78. I'm beginning to think, maybe you don't know
79. I think I'm allergic to this bath soap I've been using
80. I don't belong here
81. Why is the sky blue?
82. Home is wherever with you
http://www.surehands.com/84. Take this sinking ship and bring it home
85. I'm only going to kill you once.
86. We were born to die
87. I am finding it hard to sleep
88. We're watching you
89. Chicken-head
90. Help me to breathe
91. Don't think to hard
92. I don't need you
93. I love my flower decals (Thanks Misty)
94. I miss Simon on Idol. Haven't watched since first one.
95. Don't tell me how I feel
96. Nobody knows it but me
97. You can't play on broken strings
98. butterfly
99. My lip hurts real bad
http://www.seventeen.com/cosmogirl/sarah-dessen-essay101. My prayers get answered:
http://emiliadelmar.blogspot.com/2011/01/mormon-single-science-projects-lunch.html (Thanks Heather)