Today is a LJ full of poop and bathroom talk. You know you want to see this questionable made me die laughing...poop is funny...
fignewton cute poop story with niecemoroveus the French toilet from hellmskatrinarr cleaning le toilet See that was fun! No good poop stories here, but maybe one day I'll have a good one...
I went to art class today. I am a horrid drawer, but I'm good with negative space! Newspaper layout is good for something after all.
I am still a bit confused about the job thing.
I got a new
third person CD in the mail...tonight I'll listen...
My adverse to change bishopric is upset I didn't write more for my picture based ward history. I didn't feel like writing the same thing for the third year in a row -- I swear my ward is like a reoccurring nightmare that won't stop. I don't think they'd be pleased if I wrote that.They can eat it. i did a lot of work on it and I think it's beautiful
Today is my 1/2 b-day and robbie's real one. happy day robbie!
I am tired. I am going to go pass out.