Feb 27, 2007 04:52
I was just browsing back to what my life was a year ago. And well..yeah..
"Alright, even though the weekend started out pretty shitty...lack of sleep, being woken up to start back breaking labor. Yep! It's spring cleanin' season! Sorta...the house was also a complete and total minefield of just...bah. It was a mixture of Mom being on sick leave, Jonathan being unemployed, and me being lazy. Put that altogether and you got a whole weekend of cleaning. It sucked, I'll admit that...but now the house is BLASTIN'. I can RELAX. Yesssss. Sunday evening, luckily still having energy, myself and Jonathan went out to eat at D..d..Donatos. Yes, that's the spelling. So we ordered two large pizzas. That way we'd both have something the next day for lunch. Though this morning I felt so chipper about getting to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE, that I had the energy to make a really good lunch for Jonathan. Though he probably won't be eating it today. He only works 4:00pm-9:00pm. And they won't give him much of a break. He'll probably eat the pizza anywho.
But I feel GOOD. Refreshed! Energized! Wow it's good to be alive..o.o;"
To think a year ago, Jonathan was still living with me. And that seemed to be so long ago. I guess a lot has happened since then, huh? Weird looking back a year. @_@