ahh! i need to clean!

Dec 30, 2003 21:09

Oh my gosh! never did it occur to me so much until now that when your room is cluttered, your whole life seems to be cluttered! You can't even SEE my floor, cause there is clothes and junk all over the place. I crave routine, but at the same time, i still just want to be on vacation,and I don't ever want it to end.
I've also been so out of routine in my spiritual walk too... I guess with all of the late nights, get togethers,relatives,and working, its just bound to happen... but now I feel cluttered spiritually, and emotionally.
Tonight at work there was this young,teenage couple that came in for pizza... those couples come in all the time,but for some reason, this couple really made me long even more for someone to eat pizza with, and sit in the booth for over an hour after we ate, just talking. I have not actively pursued a relationship with my Grace, which is probably why a silly thing like a couple eating pizza got me so emotionally worked up inside. Ah... someday.
I'm beginning to get anxious about being educationally and financially prepared for college this next year. It has taken alot of effort to just be like" here God, here I am again,worrying about this...just take it away" He always does though...it's a beautiful thing.
Tomorrow is new years eve! and then after that,i am seriously getting on a health kick...i know i've said this and done this,a hundred times, but this time, I'm gonna make it count. I'm going to join curves, and dedicate myself to excercising there at least 3 times a week. My aunt nancy really really made an impact on me when she said"isn't it funny sarah, how when life gets so busy,and things are crazy, the first thing we sacrafice is our self care? eating right, excercising, having"me"time?" its the truth too. I'm excited to get back on the horse... this one is gonna be a great ride..lol.
My aunt Nancy is such a blessing. Her and my uncle are visiting from wyoming. it has been great fun. Nance is so sophisticated,and so beautiful...inside and out. She is so wise, and she always gives me a little boost to go the extra mile. She has taken me out to two movies so far,and payed for my dinner twice... she is such a sweetheart. Someday,I hope that i will be "well endowed" and will be able to treat my niece like that when I come to visit... someday,it would be nice for a 20 dollar bill to not be that big of a deal..and to have money just to enjoy, and spend on others. God has blessed her,and she is blessing me.
Tomorrow i'm going out to eat with betsy, bridget and liz, and then tomorrow night i'm going to a new years party at Jo and cait's!!!! i'm really excited... i don't ever really" party" and with the whole inventation to mollys party, and the hurt feelings with that..... it is deffinitely a blessing. I hope it turns out to be a memorable night. CHeers and happy new years!~

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