* I got my SHOES!!!!! I am impressed with how well they are made. The part your foot goes on is padded, and there is even padding under the strap that goes over your toes so that it doesn't cut into your feet. They are very bit as gorgeous in real life as they are in the pictures! I may have to collect all 6! heheehee.
ILC won The Best In Canada for "Excellence In Learning" at the
2007 Canadian New Media Awards last night! Woo! Look at us go! :D
* Going into an actual Canada Post location versus one of the outlets in a variety store drives me nuts!! Those people are SO SLOW!! I had 8 packages, all of the paperwork already done in advance and it still took forever! If I had taken them into the variety store near my work, he woulda had it done in 5 minutes. I hate to say it but sometimes unionized workers suck! (says the unionized girl who is writing in lj right now at work)
* Works is really weird right now.. two really upper bosses have both decided to take early retirement at the same time. It's going to change the entire dynamics of this place having them gone. So weird.
* I want chocolate cake!