I'm back

Mar 05, 2010 07:16

Here's the plan, players.

Dave and Kyle are The Odd Couple, with Dave as an overconfident man-of-culture and Kyle as a dumb (illiterate; and you really think I'm not going to exploit a glaring personality flaw like that just because of "the setting"?) but stoic and cynical man of faith. I didn't even originally plan it out this way, it just happened, I swear! But it looks like you'll be playing against type and this should be interesting.

Expect additional players to have more in-and-out roles, going along with their own availability. When the campaign proper starts it'll be Dave, Kyle, and Mike on a day we're all available. But Mike, I'm thinking what we can do is if we can't really get any scheduling going, the nature of the campaign itself is that you could play a behind-the-scenes character who shows up periodically. A supporting role, yes, but the main cast has to be present at all times. And furthermore, I think this would be fun. Very story-like.

Andy's going to play in this upcoming one-shot I have designed just to give him some playtime, then he'll disappear. He can be like a Checkov's Gunman for the campaign proper's story and show up near the end to deliver some sort of Crowning Moment of Awesome (read: Crowning Moment of Comedy). Dave and Kyle are the wacky lead characters and the campaign follows their zany culture-clashed misadventures to find work in the desert (which neither of them are culturally appropriate for - an Italian Nobleman and a Japanese Sumo!). Mike expressed an interest in a character with noncombat skills (I'll note that perhaps to your relief I gave all the players enough noncombat to at least be useful, so Mike, you don't have to be the party's out of combat swiss army knife like you may have thought), so you could stay behind when the other two ride off and do political stuff (representing your decreased presence in the gameplay) - that is, unless we really can find a day when we're all available, in which case that would be completely unnecessary. I'm not trying to disclude anyone, just accommodate the campaign around variable schedules without grinding it to a halt waiting on one person.

Regardless, I have some plans for this upcoming one-shot. It is going to be Andy, Kyle, and Dave. Andy will be introduced, as I have said, as a part-time character. As opposed to all the party coming together in a tavern and Andy taking the lead like usually happens, what we're going to do is begin with Kyle and Dave having already been established as "on the adventure" and Andy joins them. My plans for what you will be doing during this one-shot are not entirely solidified yet, but I am intending it to be a solid mix of noncombat with intense combat.

Come up with your names, players. You have about four days. We need, at last check, a desert tribesman (you'll be looking for African or Muslim names), an Italian fencing noble ("Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya..." er, that's Spanish I guess), and an ancient Japanese sumo (for ease of reference I am thinking we should go with something like "Fat Mountain").

Oh yeah, an addendum: Mike, I would love to see you take the "Rapier Wit" Advantage and put all that practice insulting people to in-game use - roleplaying well will always confer at least a +1 bonus to social circumstances such as this, and you have some gems tucked away in that twisted mind. If you didn't know, Rapier Wit allows you to use, literally, your rapier wit, to stun opponents in combat. This is a free action, being simply a talk action, though I think it costs 1FP (thus limiting what could otherwise be a game stopper). Under GURPS Fantasy rules, you can add an affliction such as "confusion" or "drunkenness" to your Rapier Wit, as if you were a bard of ancient lore capable of inflicting curses with just your words. It is my recommendation that you start thinking of not a warrior as you all often play, but a character based around being a jackass. It's what you're good at, and we actually do not have one of those in the campaign yet (although Andy's character comes close, though his nature is less humor-based).
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