Oct 27, 2005 23:15
Shit i'm going for the bad news first......I have to quit school.....plain and simple.....i am in soo much debt from loans as it is, my mom can't afford it and the school won't help us out anymore cause they say that my mom makes too much money for us to take out any loans or get any grants...FUCK THEM! so now i'm lost...i haven't the slightest idea on where to go from here......so far all i've decided on is having my grandma help me in gettin a new car and insurance for it.....then gonna try pulling either a full timer or two to three part-timers just to get myself out of debt....then pay back all who have helped me out after i get the money to do as such.........Oh joyus me.....then i wonder if i'll ever go back....ya know they always say that if you quit so early on that you'll never go back....i just threw away the biggest dream i've ever had in my entire life!! and it wasn't because i just felt like it, i actually wanted this to be my future and it's smashed because of a stupid thing like money.....FUCK IT!!!!!
...Then comes the good news....
Is there any??? after all that shit there seems to be no hope to look for something to be happy about...Gumper's turning 18 tomorrow.....HAPPEE BIRFDAY GUMPEE!! yeah scarey flashback to hagrid's cake thingy in Harry Potter..ANYWHO..... on Sat. me tiff and gump are goin to BLAST!....it's an instrumental/dance routine thingy....*if the tickets ever get sent out to me* we've gone to it plenty of times back when i was in band....it's really awesome...especially the snares...if they do their lil glow in the dark number again..It'll be a blast.....no pun intended....or was there one??? IDK.....I wonder if i'll see Kruse there...nah that'll be a first if i do...hmmm....All Hallow's Eve is Monday, which means it's my eighth year being a wiccan......Anniversaries are awesome...i just have to find all of my ritual stuff so that i can make my spiritual circle.....eh i'll improvise if i can't find it all......
-well then there's my life wrapped in a burnt acorn.....hey it's a nut!!-