These are the gays of our lives...

Jan 10, 2013 02:29

Since M dropped J like he was hot, J decided to hang out with our friend L. Nice for us all, since we haven't seen much of L until recently, thanks to L's ex being sort of a controlling douchebag. Today E dropped by to bring J money she owed him, and J was a bit snuggly with L on one of the couches. E threw the money at J and took off quickly. Shortly thereafter, M slammed both J and L with nasty text messages and started blowing up Facebook with nasty rants and raves. He also hit BF with a text message that he was "done" and he would be returning the tablet device of BF's that he's been using along with his last payment on the thing. I got nothing from M.

L and J ran to the store, and continued to receive barrages of nasty text messages from M, and J also received them from E.

After a while, I received a text from E, saying she was sorry for the mess she caused in our house, that it pissed her off, and she tells M everything, but she didn't want me to be angry with her.

I responded, "I fail to see how anyone has any right to be upset about any of it."

And she said, "The fact that he said 'I'm gonna wait for him (M) because I like him so much'... That's a straight out lie."

To which I responded, "Well, I don't know anything about that, but I do know this: M ended that thing, so as far as I'm concerned, he nor anyone else has any right to bitch about what's going on with someone HE BROKE IT OFF WITH. Considering that M was on GRINDR within FIVE MINUTES of him shutting J down, I REALLY don't wanna hear about what J is doing. So I'm pretty pissed. And it's mostly at him, because he has a double standard thing going on and that's not cool."

"Well I'm sorry."

After which she just said that she can't wait to move and tried to be cool and make stupid small talk until it basically died off because I wasn't really interested in it. I'm annoyed with her for sticking her neb where it doesn't belong. But it's mostly anger with M for going batshit crazy over something that he has no right to.

M deleted J and L from Facebook. L blocked M. E deleted J, and possibly also blocked him. M made some bullshit apology to L, he's been texting with J, and he made some bullshit apology to BF for both of us, after which point BF lit into him "politely", and at last I knew had heard nothing in response. I've still heard fuck all from M. It's quite possible that the boy is afraid of me. Mind you, I have told him off in the past, and I've never been mean about it, but I will tell him exactly how it is, and it's reasonable to believe that he knows I'll tell him something he'd rather not hear, no matter how not mean it is. Truth hurts, I guess, no matter how it's phrased.

Gee, M, if you tell someone that you need to keep it "single" and "see other people" and "figure yourselves out", why is it only okay if you're the only one looking? The biggest issue I see is that J doesn't seem to know how to be alone, and M doesn't seem to know how to be with someone. J could stand to be single for a while, and date around a bit. M could work on not actively seeking reasons to end something that is going well.

And I could see J and L working out much better than J and M, because L's head seems to fit squarely on his shoulders, and I know he's capable of an LTR, as is J. What's funny is that anytime M and J would get close to each other, Pip would growl at them. Even he seems to know that's a match made in hell. As much as I care about M, I really must reiterate his romantic retardation, and it's clearly going to be a very long time before he can come close to convincing me that he's remotely relationship-ready.

The fact that I'm beginning to abuse the art of alliteration is incredibly indicative of overtiredness on my part. It's totally time to take the train to La La Land. Oy.

life, relationships, frama, friends

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