All things just keep getting better....

Dec 31, 2008 15:27

So, I went to the Waterworks earlier today, mainly for the purpose of going to the location there and accessing the intranet to forward the emails I told the DM I would. Wouldn't you know that I couldn't get on? I was greeted with "Invalid UserID".

This told me without a doubt, I've been terminated from the computer system. I know this should not happen so soon; something seems fishy. I only know of one person who would have the gall to do it, as well. Boss man. Hm. I wonder if maybe he got the notion that I may have something to share with his boss?

While there, I purchased a money order so I could run down and pay my rent, only to find out when I got there that they were out of the office, and naturally, there is no drop box. (Possibly I should suggest that they create one.)

I came home, and I thought about how I could make this happen. I called to the store, and I spoke to one of my peers for a few minutes. I told him what I'd been intending to do, and I asked if he would be willing to help me out by forwarding at least what he has, as most of them were mass emails to all of my peers anyway, and he said he'd forward what he has, and also let the DM know he has some hard copies of stuff he still doesn't have on the server. I thanked him for his assistance in the matter, and I told him that it was very important to me that something come from this, because even if it means nothing in the end for me, employment-wise, I want to help THEM out as well, in any way I am able. Help me help you, I say.

Then I returned the phone call to the DM's assistant, who was to get back with me on certain information regarding a demotion pay rate to the potential position I was offered to consider. She gave me that information, and I told her that I had gone to the Waterworks to forward the emails that I'd told the DM I'd send her. I told her I couldn't sign on, because it told me I was invalid, which tells me they've taken me out of the system.

"WHO'S taken you out of the system?" she asked.

I said, "I know it's not you, but it tells me my UserID is invalid, so that implies if you don't know about it, it's store-level."

"I'll be investigating that as well," she told me, and then said she would call me back with more concrete information on the other, most likely on Friday.

A few moments later, I got the notion to call back to the store, and speak to the personnel manager. I asked her about whether they'd had her terminate me out this morning. She told me she'd just been on the phone with the DM's assistant, who had called her with the same query. She told me no, she hadn't done it, but that she'd noticed this morning when a certain report was printed that my areas listed no supervisor, and that was odd. So she looked me up, and determined that I show as terminated. She told me that this was very disturbing to her, because this is not how this process happens, that, in fact, it does not happen until they get confirmation from the DM's assistant. (Which is why the DM's assistant seemed so taken aback by me being unable to access the intranet.)

She went on to tell me, after asking me to hold on so she could make sure there was nobody else in the office, that it might not be too late to retrieve those emails if I were reactivated in the computer system, but we can't be sure if it would be effective right away. And also, since it'd been done already, she said she wouldn't reactivate me unless the DM's assistant told her to, because she didn't want any trouble. I told her, no, don't dare get herself into any kind of trouble for my sake. I'm not out to get anybody into any trouble except for the one person who deserves it. And especially not any of the people who are clearly my allies.

We discussed that perhaps I should call back the DM's assistant and plant the bug, but I said I figured it seemed as though I'd already done that much just by telling her I could no longer access the intranet.

A couple short minutes later, the phone rang again, and the personnel manager was calling me back to tell me the DM's assistant had just called her again and had her reactivate me. So, perhaps a little later on, I'll drop into a store and see what I can get at... if it hasn't already purged all my information.

But as I already said, I have backup. Even if I can't access it from my own means, I have the help of others. I'm using all the connections I have to get access to the connections I need so I can get done what I need to do. I left in such a way as to really make a statement, and then I flat out told the DM there would be no return to the place for me as long as he's there. And I'm networking now to make sure all the proof I intended to deliver gets delivered one way or another.

When I said enough is enough, I really meant it, dammit.

evil boss, work, i'm fed up!

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