FACT: This is an update.

Jun 03, 2008 12:13

FACT: Sylvia and I have moved into our new apartment. It is shiny and awesome.

FACT: We will not have the internet (and cable, but that's less important) until tomorrow. I'm currently at the library.

FACT: I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself without said internet. It's fairly sad.

FACT: I am currently annoyed right now, although I'm not sure if the annoyance is actual annoyance or a defense mechanism. Probably a mix of both.

FACT: My body has been behaving really fucking weirdly. I've been getting random pains in my upper abdomen. They hurt like a bitch, because for a few minutes it is painful to breathe. It appears to be unrelated to food, because I don't get them when/directly after I eat.

FACT: Sidney is a brat who enjoys keeping me awake at night. I do not appreciate this, Sidney.

FACT: I love my Logic and ASL classes. Chemistry makes me want to smash things.

FACT: I'm writing genderswitch!"Stephen" fic. It is 3,800 words and not yet done. I think it is going to eat me. I also have a plot bunny for another fic. Why is it so fun to screw with c!Stephen, teaching him a couple lessons along the way?

FACT: I got a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth after a recommendation by one Ms. Abigail. I'm reading that now, and it is pretty awesome.

FACT: ILU, Abigail. Srsly, thank you for being awesomely you.

FACT: I'm super bored and have nothing else to add.


P.S. Happy belated birthday to Caroline! &hearts!

i am addicted to the internet, roommate, caroline, moving 2008, fandom, school, fic, abigail, friend issues

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