Today was made of win.

Mar 03, 2008 22:39

All right, so, because Abigail and I apparently have cowed the universe into being our personal bitch, we managed to get tickets to TDS at the last minute. The day before we also got tickets to see John Oliver (and others) do stand up, so today was quite action-packed and fun-filled.

We got in line about ten-fifteen minutes before three, and I had some fun eavesdropping on the group of guys behind us. At one point they were talking about the muppets. No, I really don't know.

Anyway, the show was quite good. The warm up guy, Quentin, I believe his name was, was quite hilarious and much better than the guy they had last time I went. He had a lot of fun picking on this one guy in the front, which was very amusing. There was also a lot of TV sitcom theme song singing, because it was a contest for getting tickets to some comedy club. This one woman who sang the All In The Family theme song with him sounded almost exactly like Edith, so it was hilarious. And, haha, then this supremely white guy rapped the Fresh Prince theme song, which was good. There was also a slightly-flubbed version of the Gilligan's theme, and more, but I find it hard to concentrate in this studio. I think they pump the air with something.

Anyway, he was pumping us up and at one point was all, "Pretend it's Oprah. Pretend there's the keys to a car sitting under your chair. ...don't stick your hand under there. It's just gum. Trust me." Hee.

Eventually Jon came out, and gah, seriously, could this man be any more adorable? Even through stage make-up he's so pretty. So he took some questions, and I'm kicking myself because a. I thought of a question right as he stopped taking them, and b. I can't remember two of the questions. This makes me sad because they were all good/funny questions, and mercifully no one was a dumbass and asked if he was running for president or if he would marry them. Of the two I do remember:

Jon: So, any questions?
(Guy in audience raises hand.)
Jon: Yes? No, I'm sorry, I don't know where you can get pot. So, does anyone else have a--yes?
Guy: What two animals would you want to see have a fight?
Jon: ...I see you've already found the answer to that first question.

He went onto ramble about picking animals and eventually decided on an ape versus a meerkat. Haha, no, don't ask. Then he asked the guy who said horse versus an iguana and Jon was all, "What? Iguanas are known to, like, sit still for days. It could be two or three days before anyone throws a punch. That's a shitty fight."

It was all pretty hilarious. Then the next question I remember was, "Where do you get your ideas for your correspondent pieces?" and Jon replied "We have comedy faires that come to us in the morning and whisper in our ears." He eventually said they just run through the day's headlines and added, "We act like we're a real news show. We're idiots." Sadly I do not remember the other two questions, because, again, it's seriously hard to concentrate once you take into account the fact that you are sitting TWENTY FEET away from Jon Stewart.

So the guest was Hillary, very sadly only via satellite. Seeing her in person again would've been nice, but oh well. At the end of the interview, after they stopped taping, Jon was trying to talk to Hillary but I think she was talking to someone else and all we heard was "It was horrible!" which, out of context, was hilarious. Jon then went, "She's talking about the satellite delay!" and we laughed again. There was also a point where he went, "Man, I when I mentioned the ten or eleven victories Obama had it felt like you all went, "Oh shit!" It's satellite, what's she gonna do?" *ominous voice* "She will haunt you in your dreams!"

From what I remember, he talked to the audience a lot more than he did the last time I saw the show. Oh, speaking of: the new set is SO much nicer than the old one, and it's especially obvious in person. Seriously. I loved seeing it up close and personal.

Anyway, for those of you watching the show: the interview ran long, so they had to cut something and thus had to retape the opening. Therefore we're all cheering about stuff we've all actually seen already, and that's where the, "Now you're just being sarcastic." comment comes from. =P

Oh, at one point, I think before he re-taped the opening, he mentioned something about how ridiculous running for president must be, and then was all, "Oh, did you hear Ralph Nadar's getting back in the game?" and just about everyone groaned, which was hilarious. He said, "He's going to be here tomorrow. I'm gonna tell him you said that." PLEASE DO, JON. NOBODY WANTS HIM TO RUN. HE NEEDS TO GO THE HELL AWAY.

So that was The Daily Show. Now onto the stand up.

Everyone we saw was pretty damn good, which was nice. John was hilarious and adorable, of course, but something that made my night goes as follows:

The host was Rory Albanese, one of the producers of The Daily Show, and he mentioned Ohio. I, seriously out of reflex, clapped. He went, "Oh, shit, seriously? There are like six people here, what are the odds someone's from Ohio?" And when I confirmed I was he was all, "Man, now I feel bad. I feel like we're friends now and I'm just going to rip into Ohio." Dude, I live in Ohio. I know how shitty it is. Don't worry on my account. Anyway, he was all, "I was in Columbus..." and he looked at me, "Please don't woo Columbus." I shook my head and said, "Toledo." And he was all, "Ohh, right. That's why. I should've gotten some Toledo action. That's where the good stuff is." or something like that, which is funny if you've, uh, EVER been to Toledo. So then he goes on to make fun of Ohio, which I always enjoy immensely because I live there and know how absurd we can be, and at some point--this might've happened at the beginning, but my concentration was, like I said, already shot, so I have no real idea--he says to me, "Do you want to get dinner later? We can talk about the three things I know about Ohio."

Heee! I got asked to dinner by a TDS producer. =P That little exchange was just amazingly fun.

Anyway, all the comedians were amazing, and John was just lovely. He was also wearing very tight jeans that made his ass look quite nice. (Haha, he's the PB of the husband of a pup I play, and she very much approved.)

All in all, a great night, even if I'm sad I didn't get to ask Jon anything. (I was going to ask, for reference, if they were going to come back to Ohio and do a special like they did for the midterms. Sadly I thought of this one question too late.) Thus I have vowed that I'm going to ask Stephen something. (We're going Wednesday.) I think I'm going to borrow Blair's question and ask if anything in particular would've happened with Noblet and Jellineck had SWC continued. She said she wanted to know, so since the only other questions I can think of are random, I'll go with that.

Well, I'm going to go now. Adios!

stand up, jon stewart, the daily show, rory albanese, jon stewart is god, john oliver, abigail, new york city, how is jon stewart so cute?

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