chose anything for today so I just went to a random topic generator to pick something to ramble about for a bit, and I figure that's what I'll do for any of the empty days I have. There's plenty of dates still open if anyone wants to suggest a topic, though!
Anyway, I got, "What is your favorite board game (or card game)?" as my prompt, which is amusing, because I have quite the collection of board games (though admittedly they are in another state at the moment.) Cranium was always a hell of a lot of fun, and resulted in things like my mom shouting out, "Atari!" when I was acting out Dance Dance Revolution. This led to the incredulous question of, "Atari?! What decade do you think you're in?" Also: "What's a name for a person on a stick?" / "Jesus!" (Scarecrow. The answer was scarecrow.)
Apples to Apples is another awesome one, especially since my mom goes all used car salesman during her pitches. You just can't trust a lollipop! Also, I enjoy pandering hardcore to the judge. I remember one time the green card was "delightful" or something along those lines, very positive, and Kelly was judging. I had a Choose Your Own red card and laid it down with a flourish: "CALIFORNIA!" I won that round, of course. =P
Rummy will always be one of those card games I hold dear to my heart. It's definitely a family tradition, that game.
I'm hoping to get into some new games. We (that is, the Iowa group, aka like 40% of M*A*S*H fandom) are thinking Cards Against Humanity is a thing we need, and I predict when/if that happens, it's going to result in hilarity. I also kinda want this game out there called Evil Baby Orphanage, which aside from having a hilarious name, just sounds fun. Oh! And Story War. I've seen videos of that--it looks awesome.
Gah, this was bad. Now I'm thinking about all the other board and card games I really want to own and yet don't, like The Resistance, Forbidden Island, Forbidden Desert...
(*That is a lie. I can have all the cookies I want. 'Cause I'm a grownup.)
ETA: I MADE A TERRIBLE, GLARING OVERSIGHT: Rails! Definitely high up on the list. I don't think it's for everybody, but I just adore it, in all its time-consuming, nerdy glory. And I will always thank idk my bff Abigail for introducing it to me. XD
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