Day seven of nine in a row, done. TWO LEFT. And then I have two days off. Although one of those days will be spent doing errands.
Steven sent his part of our mom's Christmas present (we all chipped in and we're getting her a spa package), so I will be able to order that soon. And then I will be DONE. Right now just waiting on Sylvia's to arrive...and I have to re-wrap Steven's and Sharon's, because the dogs decided they should really be unwrapped, clearly.
Oh, reminds me, they unwrapped another present for me, Kelly and Geena. So, you know, thanks for the book. I've been wanting to read Annie On My Mind for awhile. (And the rest of your guys' presents for me have officially been moved, since we can't trust them.)
I'm so excite. My mom got me my portable hard drive. Cheaply, too, thanks to discounts and such. A terabyte for around $70. Considering they retail at around a hundred, it was nicely done. I can't have it until Christmas, though, which is just slightly torture.
And now, a meme!
Pick a story for me to commentate, DVD-style. There's my original fiction at
sarcastic_ink (locked, but I can add anyone who wants to be added), my Polyfaceted stuff at
corlioni (also locked, but same; my tag is
here), and my fan fiction at
scripted_sra. Name a story or two, and I will do it. I have a week off coming up (the 25th through the 1st) and I'll need stuff to do. :D
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