Apparently, the only thing I can write right now is Avengers fic.
What was supposed to be a simple Steve/Tony humor fic involving Tony poking "Stephen" about his poorly-concealed lust for Captain America has utterly spiraled. Tony wants everyone (he's with Pepper, keeps flirting with Bruce, has a thing for Steve), Steve got all Sad and Sincere about Stephen's repression and wants to Convince Him It's All Okay, Steve is apparently on board with polyamory (I guess he wanted both Bucky and Peggy), all of the Avengers are queer, Bruce is a troll, and I don't even know what is happening anymore.
I'm just going to blame Tony. It's probably all his fault anyway.
Relatedly, working on a Tony/everyone mix. It's gonna be cracky.
Seriously, though. Where have all my original characters gone? What the hell, guys? Collective vacation? Not cool.
I have so little to say it's actually kind of sad, so how about a meme? Name an emotion/state of being (e.g., happy, distant) and I will upload you a song that I think goes with it.
That's really all.
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