I signed up for
queer_bigbang. I did spread it to, like, half a dozen people, thus cementing my status as Eileen-level evil, so I figured it was only fair that I sign up myself. =P
My plan is Burn Notice fic, following Michael's life/relationships. Of course, this would be easier if a) Michael would stop giving me vague impressions and feelings about things and start giving me actual WORDS and b) Hotch and Rossi didn't randomly TAKE OVER MY BRAIN what in the hell. I do not need dialogue snippets and more random scenes, guys! Trying to start another Big Bang here!
Characters, man. Idek.
Finally watched the Leverage finale, as well as the episode before it that I had sort of seen but really only half paid attention to as my sister watched it. I have said it before and I will say it again: goddamn can that show do finales but good. Also, I find it absolutely hilariously coincidental that I finished mainlining Warehouse 13 just before watching those two episodes, given BOTH had a) an actor from WH13 in them and b) references to the show itself. Lols. Just lols.
Ten has an appointment to get fixed tomorrow and I cannot find the fucking cat carrier. Boo.
I'm now in the process of mainlining Eureka which, while not as flail-making for me as WH13, is still pretty damn enjoyable.
Yeeeeaaah, that's all. I do wish I could write.
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