rainbowfic is a challenge-based community for original fiction on Dreamwidth. The challenges can be explored at
rainbowfic officially opens for business on January 1; come on by, check things out,
introduce yourself, and pick your challenges if you're so inclined. You can post as soon as January 1! We look forward to meeting you and reading your stories!
Please promote
rainbowfic if you're willing; all you need to do is copy and paste the text from the below box:
http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e362/Japanesecajun/Banners/extras/commpromo.png" alt="a collection of art supplies labeled 'rainbowfic'">
http://rainbowfic.dreamwidth.org">rainbowfic is a challenge-based community for original fiction on Dreamwidth. The challenges can be explored at http://rainbowlists.dreamwidth.org">rainbowlists. http://rainbowfic.dreamwidth.org">rainbowficofficially opens for business on January 1; come on by, check things out, http://rainbowfic.dreamwidth.org/1494.html">introduction post, and pick your challenges if you're so inclined. You can post as soon as January 1! We look forward to meeting you and reading your stories! Thank you, and remember to check us out!