--I did something to my neck. Slept on it funny, maybe. It hurts. Apparently, I'm not allowed to look to my left. I wish we had a different NSAID than ibuprofen in the house, though; it does shit for me, thanks to those delightful months of migraines. I have to take around four to six for any kind of affect at all, and upwards of eight to ten for real relief. I doubt that's good for me.
--I need to renew my userpics. C'mon, bank. Send me my new card, already. It's inconvenient, not having one. You never really think about that until you don't have one. Sigh.
--I think I'm going to do the crossover dialogue meme after I'm done with this writing meme.
--Cheeseburger macaroni for dinner tonight. I should go start that; Sylvia will be home fairly soon.
--I think that's it. I just didn't want to leave off at four. Random, I know, but it's part of my charm.
26. Let's talk art! Do you draw your characters? Do others draw them? Pick one of your OCs and post your favorite picture of him!
I cannot draw worth shit, so I do not draw them. No one else draws them, either, but if anyone ever wanted to, I would be both floored and appreciative, because that is awesome. I wish I could draw. I do have PBs picked out for all my characters, though. Have a smattering.
Here's Isabella.
Here's her husband, Jeremy. Here's
Sam, and here's
Here are Lucy and Daniel. Here's
Brian, here's
Anne, and here's
27. Along similar lines, do appearances play a big role in your stories? Tell us about them, or if not, how you go about designing your characters.
Sort of? I mean, Kelly, Geena, and I did a stellar job with the Corlioni PBs, because if you look at them side-by-side, a lot of them really do look like they could be related.
Here's a mix cover, to illustrate that a bit. As far as designing them goes--it's not so much designing as it is you have a general description and can see them in your head, and you go looking for someone who fits that description/mental picture as closely as possible.
That's all. Am off to make dinner and then do laundry.