Since I can't seem to actually write at the moment, I guess I'll talk about writing instead.
4. Tell us about one of your first stories/characters!
One of the first complete stories I wrote was in grade school. It was called "The Case of the Disappearing Pencil" and it was about this magical pencil that would always disappear whenever the person who had it went to take a test. Yeah...I really don't know. I don't remember much else about it except for that, and I think there was also something about a plot to steal computers or something...IDK. This was in fourth grade, people!
I don't have a lot, because shortly after that I got bogged down in writing very bad Mary Sue fanfiction. I really was quite prolific when I was churning out utter crap. If only I could write a lot and yet still have it be good, then I'd be set. Once I hit high school I started writing original stuff again; I have this story I started either freshman or sophomore year which is a Whodunnit To Me kind of story--narrated by the ghost of a teenager who was murdered. (Though, granted, she does know "who", just not "why".) She reveals herself to the detective on her case and helps him solve it. At least, that's the general idea; it isn't finished, and I have no idea if it ever will be.
Now I go back to staring at a blank document. Fun times.