Jun 24, 2009 23:57
- 17:23 From TV Tropes, Even Evil Has Standards: "The KKK has protested against the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church." #
- 17:23 That is amazing. How much of a fucker do you have to be to have the KKK going, "Sloooow down there, dude. Not cool. Back the fuck up."? #
- 20:10 I can't help but find this Mark Sanford thing incredibly funny. I know. I'm a horrible person. /schadenfreude #
- 20:46 I've decided my new excuse for everything is going to be, "Oh, I was hiking in the Appalachian trails." #
- 20:46 @ himeti That is going to be priceless. #
- 21:02 @ aliya @winged_mammal HAHAHA IT WAS SO AMAZING! #
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is there a king of the douchebags award?,
keith olbermann,
the colbert report,
the rachel maddow show,
are you fucking kidding me?,
hiking on the appalachian trail,
mark sanford,
rachel maddow