T-Shirty McFunalot

Mar 21, 2008 00:22

Uh, have I mentioned that I'm recently OBSESSED with this website that makes really cool t-shirts out of user submitted designs and slogans?  For some reason, I feel like Annie and Jonathan might enjoy this place most.  I may be behind the times....does everyone already know about Threadless?

They're currently having a big sale...all tees are $9.  PLUS!  Here's a coupon code, courtesy of yours truly, to give you an extra $3 off!  So yay for cool $6 shirts...but only for a week!

I'm buying this one for Benjamin...and if he doesn''t want it, I'll take it!  It cracks me up.  Stabby McKnife!

I recently got this one:

And I'm going to pick up this one, too, so I'll be able to win at Texas Hold 'Em

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