RIP My Phone

Mar 18, 2008 23:46

RIP My awesome phone, my red Razor.

I am so freakin' mad.  It's my own fault, really.  I am mightily sick and not thinking quite right.  I bought myself some miso soup for dinner and was in the office preparing to eat it when my boss called and told me to look something up for her.  When I went to grab the binder, another binder fell with it, knocking my soup everywhere.  I was less upset about my scalded knee than my cell phone, which happened to be OPEN.

Shit shit shit!

It now dials 9 over and over again, which is semi-okay because 9 is speed dial for Ben, so at least I got to talk to him once before I had to turn it off forever.

Now, here's the thing:  When I go to the Sprint store tomorrow (which is basically like the DMV if it were in hell and had cell phones) do I tell them I messed up the phone in the hopes they will be able to fix it?  Or do I tell them I have no idea what happened?  I'm leaning toward option 2.


I will probably have to purchase another phone...either that or I can use the crappy one Ben has from his sprint calling plan.  But I loved my Razor, I did.

Another bad thing:  I had a text message in there from a woman who wanted to talk to me about a job opportunity.  We were supposed to meet tomorrow, but I cancelled because I felt sick.  She texted me to reschedule, but I never got a response...either I will look like a jerk for not texting her back, or she will meet me somewhere because she thinks she texted me a location, or...ugh, I don't even know.  I don't have her # anymore because she wasn't yet saved as a contact...just had a saved text from her.

I'm beyond upset.  Also I'm poor.  Sigh.
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