Dec 07, 2005 20:23 should I start this?...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?!?!?!?!....I hate...and I REPEAT FOR THE STUPID AND OR DEAF fake people! that annoy the shit outta me!
what is wrong with them? everyones been acting so damn different lately...I don't feel like I can talk to them anymore and it's driving me insane. EVERYONE has changed...over something completely stupid or something that doesn't make sense to me at all...I know it sounds like im over reacting but believe me you would be to if you were blown off all the damn time now.
For the love of all evil someone open up your got damn eyes and take a look're acting like a bunch of pot smoking idiots! offense to the people who are O_O...okay maybe I shouldn't have said that but damnit im serious I've gotten to the point where I really don't care whos reading this or how they take it.
If they wanna bitch me out then so be it I'll listen. I aint gonna cover my ears and be like "OH no I can't hear you I just wanna cuss you out and try to fight"...UGH...I can't even express how annoyed I am. I don't think I could really talk to anyone about this because the first thing that will go through his/her mind would be "well I didn't do anything to you so I'm not listening." and the sad part is it might not even be about them!
HAHA yea I know right?'ve been so stressed lately it's not even funny..with school and friends then coming home with family. I do believe I might be going bonkers! haha I haven't been outta the house in weeks much less been able to talk to a NORMAL person.
Don't get me wrong I love my friends and no im not talking about my online really don't flatter yourselfs....juss messin but damn...I think they are starting to turn into me...I didn't realize how damn annoying I was until I heard it for myself.
I never really realized how much I talked about'm not sure if I can change that but seriously if I have to hear about something I couldn't give two shit worths about one more damn time im going to flip...THIS IS GOING FOR not the one from myspace the one from school...if I have to hear about her love life and how Javi doesn't wanna go out with her one more time im going to kill someone...seriously I look like the kind of person who would give a damn?...didn't think so.
but I do look like the kind of person who might slit you're throat in your sleep if you keep pushing me to my limit...and believe me I can only be pushed so far before I start yelling and screaming. Now don't get me wrong I aint a bad person...ask Kayla or Robert...but God forbid it if you walk all over me and not so much as help me out when I need it.
...well then I've gotten all off topic because I have so many thoughts in my head it's crazy...I can't keep them all in order. Well...I'm bored so anyone wanna do something this weekend?