Jan 26, 2006 21:18
Mark (the Senese's booking guy) called me back today. There are two available dates, and it's up for us to choose. Either the last Thursday in February (Feb 23rd), or the first Thursday in March (March 2). It'll be an 18+ show, $5 at the door. But it's up to us to choose which Thursday (and we need to let him know by the end of the weekend). So, since we're not meeting at all over the next few weeks, I thought it'd be easiest to just comment and discuss on here. What works for you guys? What doesn't? How do we all gettin' there? What games does everything think we should be playing? Etc etc? Anonymous posting is allowed for those of you without livejournals, so just treat this post like a message board, and let's get this figured out.
EDIT!!!! Also, the way Spring Breaks work, ISU and UofI overlap the weekend of the 18 of March. ISU's break is the week leading up to this. UofI's begins that week and continues for another week. What do we think about a Spring Break Church show? Problem there being what about Contest/GI Andy and now GI Keeney? I believe that's the weekend (i.e. Saturday) of the Sectionals tournament. Any solutions or alternatives? I prefer the whole "no man left behind" ideal, any way to work out everyone there?