To All Those Concerned (ie the Freshmen and Sophomores of Richards High School)

Mar 20, 2005 21:31

There seems to be a heated thing going on with the RIchards kids and some concerns with Reavis, and I just have one thing I'm going to blatantly say:

The Reavis Contest Play was better than the Richards Contest Play.

I saw both. The Richards one at Sectionals, and granted, I didn't see the Reavis one till State, but what I saw happen, is not something Richards could've done. The problem with what happens with acting at Richards, is that no one really wants to do better, or work to do well. What happens is they do the exact same thing, and think that eventually, people are going to think that what they're doing, is good. Well, that happened on the Saturday of sectionals. For some reason, those judges thought what Richards was doing was good, and there were parts of it that were, mind you, but not enough.

And I'm sorry, but when you break the rules, and someone calls on you, it's your own damn fault. There's no reason for bitterness, at least not directed at Reavis. Direct it at your own coach, he's the one that screwed you.

The only people I ever heard positive things about the Richards shows from were Richards people themselves. And even then, there were plenty of them who admitted that they weren't doing that good of stuff.

Now, this entry isn't directed at the people being incredible immature about what happened. Yea, it's pathetic to write a '2' on your back or refuse to clap for certain teams because what you did that weekend fell on its face, or even blatantly lie to people when they confront you on what you're doing, but it's not directed at you.

This is instead directed at the youth of Richards. I'm talkin' Weibel and others, anyone else you can get to read this. How you guys have worked in the past, what you've done, the attitude of the whole team; THAT'S NOT WHAT ACTING SHOULD BE. That's not what's necessary to do well.

Work for a product.

Don't do anything for competition's sake. Do it to put on a good play, and if you advance, all the better.

NEVER expect anything. You'll never do well just for being you, despite how embittered team members will tell you you get cheated because other schools won it because of their name. Name's don't mean a thing; acting does.

The way I see it? Palia's leaving, and so is the majority of the people with the above attitude. But, as much as you're losing those with that attitude, you're losing people like Werner and Suzy and Nivene and Sean who were just great people having fun. Your program is starting over. You can make it whatever you want it to be. Don't let it be what it is right now (or at least what it appears to be to the rest of the state), a team of people too bitter to appreciate what acting is.

Thornridge won state in GI two years ago, and took second in state last year. They weren't allowed to do GI this year because of budget cuts. They won Contest Play the past two years in a row. They might not be able to do contest play next year because of budget cuts. I'm sorry if some people want the world to have a pity party because you're director didn't pick up a rule book. Just enjoy being able to have a program. And try to make that program, something you, and everyone else in the state, coudl be proud of, and enjoy seeing.
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