it's too gorgeous a day to do anything like rant, piss and moan about politics (tho if mccain gets in i am seriously moving to canada cause that means the dems self-imploded in such a spectacular fashion that we get bush redux for 4 more years...), or just be in a general cranky sarcastic mood.
so! i bring links. cool links.
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PS Captain Jack should take Coach Carr's advice LMAO. ;D
i have the lights off around here most of the time anywho - because i'm cheap, not so much the environment ;) but it's a nice side effect. however, it was -hard- during that hour cause i'd drank a bit too much coffee that day and well, my bathroom is an interior room with no windows. i just needed to flick on for a minute - but i didn't! i stuck to it.
any clue how many ended up participating? i never did see a guesstimate.
I think I drank too much coffee too. We have a window but it was really dark out. Yay for peeing in the dark! I'm crazy ;D Yeah I'm cheap too being a uni student.
Hmm am checking the amount of people registered for it. Wow 292,478 people that's official and people are still adding themselves; and 20,482 businesses. Well that's pretty good.
that's an impressive # for registrants. and i'm guessing a -lot- more didn't either cause they didn't know or didn't want to register.
yay for icons!
I know, I was very chipper about it. I had no idea about registering myself until right before Earth Hour.
Yeah for sure....I just have to clean my room, organize my files and do the wash and a few other things. Everything's crazy and I have to find some of my files that are in random places in my room. So icons will be made in the next few days.
Meh, just keep an eye on my lj. I'm making Earth Hour ones and maybe some fun spring ones with flowers or something. Definitely making some TW ones as well. I haven't had time so thankyou prof strike, I'm getting so much done.
seriously - lilith's been keeping me updated on the snow shit she's got going on in canada this winter and that just scares me. i can handle rain, tornados, periodic blizzards....but 420bazillion feet of snow in one winter? *shudders*
mmmmJB.... *gigglesnorts at coach carr* i loved that movie. LiLo before she went all batshit insane. and now i have funny images of hotel babylon JB directing 'mean girls'.
It's been a long cold winter this year.
Mean Girls is win as we have normal LiLo unlike Georgia Rules Crazy!Batshit!Nutter!LiLo. Ooo when was JB on Hotel Babylon? I want to know! I swear it'd end up sort of porny...
JB was on the hotel babylon epi this past week.
and this scene demonstrates why i absolutely love the man.
JB in hotel babylon
mean girls - and i also adored her in the parent trap remake - not the same as the original, but... *shrugs*
she shoulda kept the red hair. she was normal (not to mention beautiful) with red hair.
The red hair and freckles were almost a trademark....Crazy!LiLo.
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