Title: "Blood in the Water"
Music Title: "Don't Drink the Water"
Artist: Dave Matthews Band
sarcasticchickCharacters/Pairing: Uther (focus), Arthur/Merlin (implied)
Spoilers: All Merlin (BBC) epis
Format: IMEEM, wmv
Size: d/l - 23.37MB
Length: 6:50
Summary: A look at Uther's choices - from the Purge into the future and how the consequences of
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Love UtTaD. Ants and Warehouse and two fabulous live songs. The only song I've never heard live (and terribly disappointed that I've never been lucky enough to catch it) is 'Halloween.' I love DMB's 'angry' songs, or at least the uptempo minors - the ballads not as much. Two Step, AATW, What You Are (which totally also almost became a Merlin vid), etc...
There was a coverband here in town (well, now the lead's off in NYC I think trying to catch a break? Aaron Zimmer) that covered Dave and Aaron made quite the name for himself singing #41 and various other tunes - really quite good. Those were fun Saturday nights :)
The one album I was totally disappointed in? Everyday. Gods I loathed 'I Did It'. I loved 'What You Are' but that album was almost a total loss.
(I totally tend to post fics esp right before bed so I have an excuse not to be at the computer. But then I'm awake the whole night all anxious ;) )
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