Title: The Fledgling
Series 'Verse:
The Windhovers Chapter: 2 of 4
sarcasticchickPairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Spoilers: TW S1, S2
lilithilienSummary: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." - Galileo Galilei
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I'm not so familiar with the comic book 'verse tho to give you a 'yes' or a 'no' to the thoughts - there *may* be some notions of instant, one-man judiciary system ;) But I don't think the Windhovers will truly mimic that 'verse - I've built their world/their systems in my head, but some future story stuff will have an impact on how their actual system functions now.
Cause if a world is destroyed, how can there be a true judiciary system? ;)
It's obvious Ianto's tapping into some intergalactic law enforcement database. But where's the intergalactic law enforcement agency? Did somebody have a grand idea of creating an agency with enhanced members of each species on each planet? Did the thing then implode? Did the rest of the universe object strenously enough to break the back of the agency? Or did the database interface itself drive the agents insane? Or some combination of the above? Hmmm....
All very good questions - course, don't forget, Ianto's not exactly human in this ... ;) Hmmm...hint *thinks* the "database" word is definitely applicable, but not entirely complete in the definition as applied to Ianto and the Windhovers.
And somebody(ies) objected very strongly to the idea of intergalactic law enforcement - well, many did, but some in particular wanted them ... broken ... in order to proceed.
since it appears to be tapping into the code of the Universe itself, it's not likely to be a "database" confined within a computer, but something which functions in a similar way.
Somebody(ies) always will object to such ideas. It's the Servalan Solution: anything powerful enough to thwart me must be controlled by me or broken.
Mmhmm...quite possibly. It's alien ... so I'm doing my best to make it alien. ;) Which hurts my brain in figuring out how to explain to everyone else - it makes sense in my head. *G*
Never heard that phrase before - but yes, that is quite appropriate
Wasn't B7 a really slash-happy show too? Or am I imagining things?
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