Chapter Title: Blue-Tinged Skipping Stone (S2: Chap 8, SoI 23, Part 3)
sarcasticchickPairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Spoilers: TW S1
fivealive Summary: Meet Mr. Black
Warnings: This is a heavy chapter. Grab a glass of wine and enjoy. :) Highlight for Warnings-may contain spoilers: * Character DeathA/N: Much as last chapter, this is a
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This was just a beautiful chapter all around; from the good byes - and gods! having to erase Jack's memories and send him away - to the bravery Ianto displays to the team. Just wonderfully crafted and well put together.
You did a lot with the characters in this part, in showing Ianto's connection to them and what he means to them and what they mean to him. It's heartbreaking to see him embrace his destiny yet stirring at the same time. I like that Tosh and Owen figured out that Jack was not their Jack. Rhys was great in this and I liked how Gwen was handled.
I am also happy that Jack doesn't return until it's too late - that it is Ianto who saves the world and not the Doctor.
But ultimately, this was about Ianto and how much he's grown since the beginning. I'm half afraid he survived by someone's intervention and yet, I hope he was. I want him to live, and yet, his sacrifice was such that it would be fitting for him to have died. *g*
I can't wait to read the next chapter, though I will also be sad, since it is the last.
that, ma'dear, was my point in writing shades in a nutshell *g* i wanted my boy ianto to have the limelight a bit. 200k words later, i might have gotten a little carried away ;) but it's been so much fun exploring all the relationships on the show in relation to ianto, who is 'more than just a tea-boy'.
thanks so much for reading!
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