Aug 12, 2005 20:54
Well, seeing as I have time and nothing to do in this hotel, perhaps I should update.
I move into my dorm tomorrow. I think I have just about everything. The rest I can get later or get by with out. We left Granger yesterday morning. That sucked. Majorly. I cried when we left our neighborhood. Expected, but I was a little surprised cause I almost never cry. After we left town it was easier, and now that we're in Lafayette, it's kinda fun. Just realized, I don't think that I mentioned that my parents are moving in my last entry. Their moving to the same town that I'm going to college in. So yesterday was something of a 'No coming back' morning. At least not really.
My last day of work was last Sunday. The day seems so much longer when it's your last day. And when you're in express. For 6 and a half hours. And have to work for 8 in a half hours total. But it was fun. Seeing as it was my last day, I decided to enjoy my breaks. For a little longer than I should have. Well, 7 minutes for one, only 2 for the other. Though the day went but a little faster since I had Steak n Shake to look forward to. We had like 15 people this week. I ended up in the corner though, couldn't get out. Which was ok, until the conversation that I didn't want to participate in, and really didn't want to hear. The only thing that I need to say about it is, why can't people be more accepting of others? After a few of us stuck around the parking lot for a bit. Running around, goofing off. Kept my spirits up, for a while at least.
Tuesday and Wednesday nights, Megan and I decided to have a Dark Angel/Charmed Season 1s marathon. We got through about half of each show. We were up till 4 one night then 3 the next. Then Megan had to go home after we were done each night. Though Wednesday, after she left I had to finish the last minute packing and such, and I was supposed to drive the 2 and a half hours here the next morning. My parents heard that I was up, so Thursday morning my mom told me that she was driving. The funny part is that after some apple juice and the sun being up, I had no problem staying awake, but my mom was tired all day. Ironic ain't it.
We closed on the new house Thursday. I really like it. My new room is huge which should be nice on breaks and random weekends. Chico (our dog) is going to have to get over his fear of stairs though. It's a Tri-level. Should be interesting.