The start of the updates...og god...

Jun 09, 2006 14:56 we are, boys and girls, come, gather around and listen to what I have to say...

Physics is cool. End of story. I know some of you are like 'well, she's got it easy, she's taking it in summer school...' WRONG! We work 4 1/2 hrs (that's 16,200 seconds) on physics every day. In just this week alone, we've gone over distance vs. displacement, speed vs. velocity, acceleration, and vectors. We've covered a lot. Not to mention everything I've done on ALS over the last two days (Light, Force, Simple Machines, Intro to Physics, etc...). It's a hard course, but it's a good learning atmosphere because we only have three people. That would make anyone learn at a faster pace. If you have something to say about it, I'll fight ya...

Well, other than that...Dwyane is going to TN State for summer classes. He leaves the 18th of June and comes back the 22nd of July. **Sigh** So, I'll be Dwayne-deprived and depressed, so come and drag me out of my house to get my mind off of him. Please and thank you.

Other than that, I take the ACT tomorrow. Wish me luck and all that jazz....

Love you all dearly...
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