Nov 07, 2005 14:07
I've concluded that i'm probally insane just due to the way I've been thinking, lately. I was driving around the other day with the window open becuase my ac decided that it wasn't going to work, and while switching CDs, I saw something on my leg out of the corner of my eye, and when I looked to see what it was, it was this fucking hornet. You think I'd freak out, but I kinda just looked at it and thought about how many people this happens to. Maybe 2? How many people do you think had that perticualr bug land on that spot, on that street..It was kinda a crazy thought, but I have been learning, and not really learning..becuase it just happens that this is how I think now..that everytime something happens to me, I just think about how a completely unique moment in time that is..and how its the one thing thats only happening to me, and completely original. anyway, yeah, I guess i'm crazy. It felt like I had alot that I had wished to write about this weekend, but it seemed as if I never got around to it. Basically..Friday I went home and just chilled there and went to bed around 9 becuase I had to take the SAT's the next day. I felt like I did pretty well on them...but everytime I say that I felt like I did well on a test..I fail it. So uh, I'm going to wait and see what my score is. Probally bad. Yeah. Okay..then I went and picked up candice. we went to the fucking BEST Indian resterant ever. The Chicken Curry was a-fucking-mazing. Then I took her to work, and then I went to work. haha! My dryer I had to take my uniform out wet and then dry it on a hanger with my hair dryer! haha. GAY! Oh well..I went to work and then Picked up candice while I took jamie and Lakale home. Candice and I drove to Ormond By the Sea to this party to see Kay-sea (lol) before he moved to Texas. I saw Quinn there, but I dont really care about him anymore, and I was glad I saw him there to confirm that. After we left that (poor excuse for a..) party..we stopped by Nicely's to say hi to Scott, and we saw AJ there..which was completely werid becuase Its that 40 year old that i've been trying to aviod. Everytime I see him, hes drunk as hell, and hes always talking about how he loves me. and Its gross becuase, he could be my father...twice. So we left. Fast. We went home after that, and went to sleep. Sunday morning we woke up about 9, and went shopping. we had breakfast at Arby's haha..and then we went to the Flea Market. I bought some shit. I blew 40 dollars that day and I cant really remmeber what I spent it on. Fun times. We went to Joanne's Fabrics to get fabric paint, and then went to walmart and bought shirts and a hoodie. Basicaly, we added whatever we wanted them to say. It's pretty cool, they turned out really nice, I think. We felt so cool making out cool shirts that we put all of it on, including sun glasses and earings. Haha. We went and showed my dad the shirts and went over to beachside to...what did we go to beachside to do?...uh...fuck...OH YEAH. candice wanted to buy some pants so we went to bealls, then we went to Bandshell and THEN..we heard about a show! <3<3<3 We fucking drove to Seabreeze to see who was playing and we found out Cliff's band was coming to play after this band called Enbalmed. Which was cool becuase I had never heard His band before. We stuck around and waited. Candice decided that she was going to spend the night, and we went over and got her clothes, when we came back, Cliff and his band were there. We helped them set up and stayed for one song, until we had to go home. We got home and realized that we only ate once that day at 10am at Arby's which was gay. So I made Raviolis. Whatever. we woke up this morning, and uh..went to school, and then to publix..and we only have 10 days left until thanksgiving break and I need to get my shit together and I have an assload of work to make up. I need to meet some people from my class OUTSIDE of class for a group project at Panera Tommorow. They're meeting at 5, so Im going to ask my work If I can leave early tommorow, If I tell them its for school, i'm sure they'll be fine with it. I have sooo much work to make up, a paper to write, and two projects. i'm also doing alot of extra credit work for Phsych class becuase I get 100% on all my classwork, but I still have a C...due to my poor test studing skills..which is basically not studing at all. Becuase I dont. I'm typing so fast right now becuase class is going to end, and i'm probbally spelling everything wrong and using poor grammar and usage :( Ms. lee would be so disappointed. Oh well, class ends in like 10 minutes, and i'm going to get some shit done.