Dec 18, 2003 09:39
Today I woke up late. Not a surpize. I was late to school, as well as my first block, which I havent gone to in 3 weeks. I walked in and people looked at me as if they thought I was back from the dead, and in a sence, I was. I walked in, dropped the late pass on my teacher desk, and he said..
"do I Know you?" he knew he did, and it wasnt funny.
so i responded, "I wish you didn't." Took my tests, and sat down in my seat across from chris, ex. He gave me the same fucking look, after what happened between him and I, he still acts like he likes me. I don't understand it. Anyway...yeah, I took a test, basically answered everything i rembered from the chapters I was there for, and cheated off the girl next to me for the rest. Now, for hose of you reading this, shaking your head, and nay saying, fuck off, I dont need to here your lecturing ass telling me that i'm 'out of control' (: Thanks jesus, but I dont need your input. so anyway, I felt pretty good about the asnwers the chick next to me had put, and if I didn't i changed them. I did not, DID NOT, go to second block. I dont care if i have a spanish final. The teacher is a fucking nut case, and religious fucking, nut, case. period. I dont have to deal with him, and I wont. I went to Mr. Henderson's class like I always do for 2nd block, and Mr. henderson asked me to leave for the first time ever, becuase He didnt want me around for the finals I suppose.
I then walked around for awhile, I went to autotorium, walked around, and then went into the bathroom. After being in the bathroom for about 3 minutes, I realized I didnt want to skip in the damn bathroom, it was rediculois. Last year, when there was no way I'd go to my frist class...I dont know how how I skipped in the bathroom as much as I did. I left that bathroom, and went to Mr. Richmond's pottery class, with Kipp, and RJ. Kipp taught me how to use the pottery wheel. It reminded me of that one movie, I didnt see it, but I think it had patrick swiezy in it, it was like a sex sence, kinda romantic thing having to do with that pottery wheel, and I always thought it was stupid how someone could depict that as a sexual act in any way. was accually pretty sexy (not having anything to do with Kipp) but the clay was all soft, and wet and shit, I dont know, I could just understand how some people could realite, and understand how that sence in the movie made sence.
So I stayed in pottery class untill they had to take thier finals, so i went back to Henderson's class seeing that there was only 15 minutes left to the class, anyway. He didn't see me, and even if he did, I dont believe that he would've cared. He loves me :p At lunch I waited in the south courtyard, were for anyone who would come to the mall with me. I found Tabby, Natile, Xandra, Ryan <3 haha (jk, tab ^_^) Candice, Mike, and Lauren.(Mike, btw, has his dick periced and everyone was hassling him to show it to us. I guess seeing that everyone was making such a huge deal about it, I was expecting something cool, or whatever. He pulled it out, and it was a penis, of course, I dont know what i was expecting, but penises are not as cool as everyone makes them out to be. It wasn't cool at all.) Xandra had her car that day, so Lauren and Mike went with her to the mall. Tabitha thought it would be fun to take the Votran (local bus) I am the only one (out of the group) who knows exactly what buses to take to get to the mall (its not like i've skipped school to go to the mall, I would NEVER do that ;) hehe but yes, of course I have, and thats how I know. they were checking IDs, even thought they said they were going to open up the gates. So we jumped the fence and waved to the hall dude as we got over, he didnt care, no one cares on the last day. We got tot he mall, and met up with Xandra and Mike, Mike had brought a friend along who, btw, had gorgous hair. The mall was fucking PACKED becuase everyone was skipping school, so yes, candice, xandra and I saw many guys that were worthy of us (well me, becuase no one else would do it) telling them they have beautiful hair.
A bunch of us went out sperate ways in the mall. My friends stole a bunch of shit, but whatever, I got an ac dc wrist band *score* and a 'The Doors' shirt, where the lead singer is passed out on the stage, with the mic in his hand, its so sexy. The back says: " When you're strange, faces come out of the rain. When you're strange, no one remebers your name. When you're strange, When you're Strange" It's great. We met up later, and I skateboreded around, and had xandra pull me around on my jacket, it was alot of fun. Xandra rode Lauren home, and brought candice with me to work. She hung out and watched me teach people, and then later beat the living fuck out of them :) Later, Mr.Stan got some boards, and I broke two with one kick, two with another, and one with a hard kick that i pulled a musclule on. I was very pleased with how well I did, and happy that I get to use a kick that i didnt think i was capalble of doing. I pushed my limits for the frist time, and accualy made it. Very happy. I dide hurt my foot, and cut it a bit, but I'm fine now. I played AC DC on the way volume twenty fucking five, I could feel it in my chest, It was amazing (: We went to chick fil a and came home. On my door there was a post it note on my door saying: "Jeff Called" I was pretty exited about it, I kinda like hanging around jeff, so i called him right back. He was tring to talk me into seeing him tonight, but there was no way. Too late, too tired. I'm going to clean the house tommorw, so I could have some people over for my whole black belt party thing. Cake, Pizza, soda, the whole deal :p
It's going to be fun (:
Anyway...Surpizingly enough, i've run out of things to say o_o
I'll think of something more, later (: Trust me.