100 Chlean Drabbles - Chloe/Dean - 1 through 5

Sep 01, 2008 13:01

Title: Equal Destruction
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #001 - Destroy
Word Count: 101
Summary: He could ruin her.

Equal Destruction

He could ruin her. The first time she met him and she felt her heart jump at his smirk, she should've high tailed it in the other direction. But she stuck around, through all the good and bad, the demons and the death. And now that smirk did more than just make her heart jump. She fell for him, hard, and there was no getting up. Which meant he had the power to destroy her, with a simple few words he could crush her heart for it to never mend. But he wouldn't, because she had that same power over him.

Title: Trying
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #002 - Cry
Word Count: 102
Summary: He didn't do tears.


He didn't do tears and when she cried, he was awkward, uncomfortable, and in desperate need of a way out. But he never ran, not like she knew some part of him wanted to. Instead, he gathered her up in his arms, turned the TV on to something funny, and hoped to distract her with corny jokes and the soothing stroke of his hand up and down her back. It always worked; more because she knew he was trying and the fact that he never left her. She'd laugh away the tears, snuggle up to him, and things would be okay again.

Title: Coming Home
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #003 - Kiss
Word Count: 100
Summary: That first kiss was always the same for him, until...

Coming Home

That first kiss was always the same for him. Women never changed, never really tasted different. Stale beer, cigarettes and cheap lip gloss. And then he met a spunky investigative reporter that wouldn't let his smirk do more than make her eyes roll and things changed. He had to work for it, make her feel more than attraction. When he finally managed to get that first kiss, it was mind-blowing and he was gone after that. He didn't ever want to taste the familiar kiss of ‘just another woman' when every time he kissed Chloe, it was like coming home.

Title: Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #004 - Passion
Word Count: 105
Summary: Dean knew passion...

Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

Dean knew passion but he put it more into work than anything else. When he met Chloe Sullivan, she was brimming with it, for everything. She never did anything half-assed. And when he finally convinced her to share a little of that with him, he learned pleasure had a whole new platform. He was good at sex, but making love was rare. Tangled in sheets with her, he found love and passion and sex could all entwine into the best experience of his entire life. And he made the decision right then, with her lying asleep next to him, he wasn't ever letting her go.

Title: Monogamous Pie
Category: Smallville/Supernatural Crossover
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #005 - Date
Word Count: 103
Summary: He didn't date.

Monogamous Pie

He didn't date. He picked up chicks in bars for one night and waved goodbye before the coffee was ready. But she wasn't one of those types and she refused to be anything less than monogamous. So it took some getting used to, this idea that maybe he could have more than what he'd convinced himself over the years. She knew the lifestyle, liked it even, and she wasn't afraid of him or what he hunted. When he finally asked her out, he chose to take her out for pie. And from the first bite, he knew they were right for each other.

crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/dean, fic: 100 chlean drabbles

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