Prompts 56 to 60 of 100 Jaley Drabbles!

Aug 16, 2008 21:36

Title: 100 Jaley Drabbles
Category: One Tree Hill
Rating: Range from K to M
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Genre(s): Romance, Tragedy, Angst, Humor, Family
For: oth100prompts  comm. Prompt table found HERE. Five per update!
Prompts: 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15, 16 - 2021 - 2526 - 3031 - 35, 36 - 4041 - 45, 46 - 50, 51 - 55,

Title: Later
Rating: K
Genre: Humor/Family
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #56 - Sloth
Word Count: 100
Summary: Apparently laziness could be passed down...


"Jake! Stop leaving your wet towel on the floor!" Haley shouted from the bathroom. "It's two steps to the basket, will it kill you?"

The door opened and she came out, flushed with her teeth clenched and her hair in disarray. Her hands were on her hips and she lifted a brow at him. "Well?"

"I'll do it next time," he assured, nodding.

She scoffed in disbelief.

Five minutes later he heard her shouting the same thing to Jenny and he knew she got it from him. Apparently laziness could be passed down... he'd have to work on that... Later.

Title: Hormones
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #57 - Wrath
Word Count: 107
Summary: Her hormones were all over the place...


Now, Haley was a pretty calm woman over all. She was more of a crier than a screamer. But he was pretty sure she would break bones any second now and he could admit to being just a tiny bit scared. She was pregnant, so her hormones were all over the place. It didn't help that an overenthusiastic fan might've kissed him on his way off the stage. Immediately fearing what would likely be a cross between tears and shouting, he stiffened his spine, put on a big grin and bee-lined it for his stewing wife. The first words out of his mouth were, "I love you!"

Title: Now and Then
Rating: K
Genre: Family
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #58 - Envy
Word Count: 111
Summary: He had it all.

Now and Then

Once upon a time, he envied a normal teenage life; where it was just basketball and hanging out late with his buddies. That had been when Jenny was just a baby, one that had come into his life earlier than expected, when he hadn't thought he'd be a dad for many, many years. But now, he can't help but think that all those other guys who thought they had it better than him had nothing. He raised a beautiful daughter, had a step-son that was one of the coolest kids alive, and a wife that was just as beautiful as her smile. There was nothing to envy; he had it all!

Title: Graduation
Rating: K
Genre: Family
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #59 - Pride
Word Count: 111
Summary: Jenny's graduation.


The day his daughter graduated, his chest swelled with so much pride he was sure he'd explode. He cried a little; laughing and clapping so loud, he was sure he overlapped the entire crowd. His wife hugged his side, her head on his shoulder as she sniffled. She'd raised Jenny since she was just five years old and as far as anybody was concerned, Haley was Jenny's mom.

"GO JEN!" Jamie yelled, standing up on his seat and whooping for his step-sister.

Jenny Jagielski waved at her family happily before moving to make her valedictorian speech.

He didn't care what anybody said, Jake was the proudest person in the whole room.

Title: Celibacy... Or Not
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #60 - Chastity
Word Count: 105
Summary: Jake had taken a vow of celibacy.

Celibacy... Or Not

After Jenny and everything that happened with Nikki and then Peyton, Jake had taken a vow of celibacy. It was uncomfortable and tested his nerve more than once, but he wasn't laying another finger on a woman until she was his wife. And then Haley James walked back into his life, big mischievous grin in place and a sway to her hips that made his mouth water. Any thoughts of chastity flew out of his mind by their third date and then he was all in and hell, just to make himself feel better, he decided then and there he was going to marry her.

author: sarcastic_fina, drabble - oth - jaley, ship: jake/haley

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