Arrrggghhh! Doom to all who call during the last twenty minutes of Smallville! DOOM I SAY! *clears throat* Moving on... We begin Smallville's fourth episode of season 10 - Homecoming - with some magazine love/hate... I loved the Ollie/Green Arrow mag cover... Just saying. lol
Also, is it not completely obvious that Lois is hinting to Clark she knows he's the Blur? I feel like he's knows she knows but refuses to admit it. Like they're playing a "No, you say it first!" game with each other. lol JUST TELL HER!
So... The career counselor didn't take her prozac-flavored wheaties this morning... Is it weird that I find the Clark doll cute? I think it's the oversized clothes, lol.
And the return of Brianiac... WOOT! Honestly, I just love James Marsters. I'm an old Buffy lover, what can I say?
I miss Chloe in the credits - I think it's ridiculous she's not in them. I know she's not in every episode, but come on! Nine years of every episode should lend her some flack... Grr...
Oh! Oh! Flail for Clark's truck. I l♥ve it!
So as a long-time Smallville watcher, I actually really enjoyed the Clana memory - even though I never liked Clana... I was always a Chlarker. It's somehow still sweet. Like I'm remembering my old teen years, which weren't really that long ago since technically they're my age, but I digress... I miss old Clark. Young, fumbling, geeky Clark with a smile that always came with a blush. :(
Poor Lois... not remembered at, well, all. Maybe if she'd gone more than five days! lol
The girl at the names table looked a lot like Amanda Crew... I kept squinting at her, thinking she was... but nope. Regardless, her fan-love for Clark is unexpected. What is it these women are seeing that I'm not? He doesn't look that different, does he? I mean, he's bulkier, but still the same Clark...
Did anybody else get all wistful and excited when Clark walked into the Torch office??? Seriously, I miss Chloe like mad right now!! Look at her with her flowery, flippy hairdo and her oddly flower-patterned outfit... Who the heck was dressing her back then? She has much better style now, haha. Besides that, can I just say - FINALLY! Finally, we see some Chlark friendship sadness... I mean, she's basically disappeared off the grid and he's been pretty whatever about it. Now he actually looks like he misses her! Thank you! Some recognition would be nice. She was only your best friend for NINE YEARS!
"Oh... My... God... You were friends with Chloe Sullivan!" - lol, aww... I love you strange girl I don't know...
"Yeah, what happened to her? I mean she was the rising star at the Daily Planet like she always dreamed--" How do you know that strange boy I don't know? "And now..."
"It's like she just vanished. Like someone found out that she knew too much!"
lol. New conspiracy-kids. They're oddly adorable.
"What's it like to date a real superhero?"
"It- It was really quick. Just-Just a flash. But I- I would date one again in a heartbeat." LOL! Subtle, Lois. Reeeeally subtle. Also, Oliver was just a flash? Really, 'cause it seemed to drag on to me... Looong past the relationship having actually ended, in fact.
So, no offence to Lois, but... Isn't there supposed to be a King and a Queen? If Clark's the king, why didn't they vote a queen in? She just took the seat because she was his date, lol.
Check it out, Brianiac the Ghost of Clark's Past and Future and yadda, yadda, yadda has dropped in.
So the darkness he has in him is... him holding onto the past? His past mistakes... Other people's mistakes... The blame he put on himself for his father's death... O...kay...
What is up with people? They're hating on Oliver because he didn't tell them he was Green Arrow and now that they know who he is, they think it's okay to take potshots at him? And to that guy who says, "What happens if my kids grow up and want to be vigilantes like him?" Uh, isn't that something to be proud of? Means the guy raised a good kid that wants to be a hero in some way. Better than his kid wanting to grow up and be the villain! lol
Was anybody else surprised Oliver was waiting on a call from Clark? I figured he was expecting Chloe to call, but Clark? Color me confused.
"He's always so Oliver I didn't know that he needed me..." lol, was it that supposed to mean? Then again, if it's any consolation, I didn't think he needed you either. lol
"Then help Oliver be who he can be, today, tomorrow... Be there for him now and stop punishing him for his past with your silence and your distance... Let it go." Okay, that I agree with. I can sort of see how this whole Darkness thing is starting to work. Admittedly, Clark has some pretty big baggage and he does tent to hold grudges... But so does everyone. Maybe not the grudges part, but we've all got baggage. And some things just can't be gotten over because of some Christmas Carol moment.
"Funny, I always thought [Clark] and Chloe were meant for each other... They always had that best friend with the hope of more thing." LOL! Even their classmates thought the same.
Also, WHOA there punch-lady... Way to bring a girl down. Who tells the date of a classmate about his first love and the best friend that was likely to be his wife? That is not punch-table talk! "Are you sure he likes you?" Yeah, dig the knife a little deeper!
So, I actually really liked future-Clois... She's hilarious, telling him to put on his glasses and making those square-motions around her eyes, lol. And he's so dumbfounded by her knowledge of his alien-history while she's so yeah-whatever-I-already-know-so-what?
"How did I become to uptight... and nerdy?" BAHAHAHAHAHA
I really just wish they'd given us a hint about what Chloe's future might be like. Clark couldn't ask? Seriously!?
Right now is when my mom decided to call and chat about nothing in particular... I love the woman, but I really like to watch Smallville uninterrupted!
Okay, the leather jacket just seems weird. Maybe it's the fit... or the color. But I kind of laugh every time I see it. Is it just me?
TV Reporter is a bitch...
lol There's this moment where Oliver perks up when he sees Clark and I thought of
svgurl ... 'cause she likes Clark/Oliver, lol. And I was like, "Aww, she's gonna love that moment." haha
"I lost someone... She meant everything to me..." *sad-Lee*
"So wh-what? For that you want a merit badge?" Ice-Bitch melts a little. "Special rights?"
"No. No, you're right, I'm not special. This isn't about who I am, it's about what I do. And I- I don't think I'm the first rich-boy who felt that way... It was John F. Kennedy that once said 'Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.'"
"So now you're- you're comparing yourself to a-a fallen hero of this country?"
"Well, why not? He saw the hero in all of us... I'm not dwelling on revenge for past atrocities or... looking ahead to what I can personally gain from a few tax-breaks. Drilling oil-wells in the ocean, putting up razor wire fences to keep out immigrants who only want what our grandparents wanted. In this world of arm-chair bloggers who've created a generation of critics instead of leaders, I'm actually doing something. Right her, right now, for my city, for my country... And I'm not doing it alone... You're damn right I'm a hero!" YEAH!!
Stunned silence from the bitch-tv-reporter. Hah. In yo face sucka. (Don't worry, I'll probably never write or say that again. lol)
Glad to see you're carrying my torch. -- CS (gasp!) And aww... they look so excited to be getting a text from her!!
Awwww... the Clois dance in the barn!!! That was sweet! Really, adorably sweet! "One of these things does not go with the other..." - I heart you Lois. lol Especially the 'standing-on-his-toes' bit... :)
Okay, so... I liked this episode more than some of its predecessors. Oliver verbally bitch-slapped an in-your-face reporter, extra point, he said Chloe meant everything to him, another point, Lois was funny, point!, Clark got his head pulled out of his ass (somewhat), half a point, and Brainiac reappeared (love me some Marsters)! So... I'm gonna give this a 4 out of5. I wanted some future-Chlollie, I'm a hard-sell lol, but overall I quite liked it. A little funny, a little sweet, and overall a good watch!
What do you think?