Title: The War of Fate
Series: Fate - Part II of III
Category: Smallville/Supernatural
Genre: Romance/Angst/Drama/Humor/Action
Ship: Chloe/Dean
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 4,503
Summary: Following the loss of his brother, Dean vows to keep his promise and live the apple-pie life with Chloe, but God has other ideas. Trying to put himself together, Dean sets
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Comments 22
Great chapter as always. I like the final scene with Devin... OCs are a difficult beast but right now I dont know if she's around to stay or is monster fodder, which makes it all the more suspenseful.
While I have the urge to slap Dean, I also appreciate getting to see him go through the grief and fear of getting hurt again by losing Chloe.
Yes, probably! haha
I found Devin oddly easy to write; I think it's because I'd been putting together her personality in my head for so long. I had plans for her weeks before I ever started writing The War of Fate, haha. She's fun and snarky and she provides a nice outside pov.
It was hard to write Dean when he decided he'd just have to accept it if Chloe died, but I also wanted to show that as much as he *says* that and maybe even wants to *feel* that way, it's not the case. It's been interesting to field his emotions and try and put across where's at and why.
An update to come very soon! :)
She won't be Sam's love interest, though, I'm afraid. His love interest won't be coming in for awhile. I'm not sure yet if she'll come in later in War or Future... haven't decided yet.
Should have an update out soon!! :)
That's exactly what I was going for! haha I think you have to have a certain kind of personality to fit in with their world. :)
Also, I really love how realistic you're being with Dean and Chloe. No fairy-tale happily ever after for them, just real problems for people who came out of a very bad situation.
I wasn't sure if many readers would stick around through this part, because it does get very dark and sad, and as you said *realistic*. As much as I want them to get their happily ever after, it hasn't been offered up on a platter. And even if it had, I think Dean would be suspicious, haha.
But, I know Dean's grieving but he needs to take the pissy attitude down a notch. It'll be interesting to see how everything goes.
Should have an update very soon! ^_^
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