Writing Challenge News!

Apr 07, 2010 09:57

So I don't know how many of you are involved in Defying Mythos but it's having a Battle for the Best involving graphics, vids and fics. Obviously, I was all in for fics! So I'll be posting my works here as well and keep you all updated. My first challenge is a Chloe-centric fic, as dark as I like, involving the following:

"Chloe (and others) have referred to her time spent in a 33.1 facility as hell. Write a dark fic about what that time was like. What specifics made it hell for her. You can go as dark as you like."

And I'll be writing against MrsWitwer, who I don't think I know personally, but can tell is a Davis fan, haha.

Wish me luck!

battle for the best, defying mythos, author: sarcastic_fina, challenge

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