Title: Secrets Left Buried
Category: Smallville/GI: Joe
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Duke/Chloe
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 180
Summary: If you want it enough, you can have it.
Secrets Left Buried
He mulled over his approach before finally just running headfirst into the conversation, no warning.
“You ever feel like somebody you care about isn’t telling you the truth?” he asked, staring at her with thoughtfully thinned eyes.
Chloe looked up at him, licked her lips as she paused for a moment. “I think, sometimes, if that person isn’t telling you the truth, it’s because they’re looking out for you… That if you really care about them, you’ll know that they only do it for your benefit.” She bit her lip, fiddling with her hands. “And I think everyone has secrets… some are just bigger than others.”
He nodded slowly. “So you think despite all that, whatever history they might have, they can still make it?”
She smiled at him gently. “I think if they want it enough, they’ll do everything they possibly can.”
Cupping the nape of her neck, his rough fingers stroked their way into her hair. “And you want this, whatever it takes?”
Palms spread across his chest, she nodded. “I want this, Duke.”
He grinned. “Me too.”