Guardian Angel - NC17 - Chloe/Bruce - Chapter Fourteen

Jan 15, 2009 17:26

Title: Guardian Angel
Category: Smallville/Batman [Crossover]
Rating: NC17
Genre: Romance/Humor/Drama
Pairing: Chloe/Bruce Wayne
Word Count: 2,440
Summary: Her guardian angel was a dark man with a fetish for rodents. Figures.

Previous: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter FourChapter FiveChapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven, Chapter Twelve, Chapter Thirteen, Chapter Fourteen,



She was staring at the phone. Lois' voice rang over and over in her head. Just call him. She made it sound so easy, when in reality all the butterflies in her stomach made words almost an impossible feat. What was she supposed to say? It'd been nearly a week since their one and only date and now... Now she was starting to think that despite a very wonderful and passionate kiss, perhaps it wasn't the best time to be getting ensnared by a handsome billionaire that could make her toes curl with a half-smirk.

Sighing, she shook her head. This was ridiculous. It was just a phone call. She should at least thank him for the flowers and sandwiches, even if it was a week later and the flowers were browning and the sandwiches were all gone. Still, it was the polite thing to do. But what if he thought it was something more? What if he hadn't called her because he was having second thoughts? But then, he had left her a number and suggested that a second date would be nice. So, in essence, he was leaving it up to her. And a week wasn't so long... Right?

Chewing her lip, she closed her eyes and dialed the number. What was worse was that she'd actually memorized it. The phone rang shrilly; once, twice - Oh God! She should hang up! - three times, four - Nobody was home; that was good... But what if the answering machine picked up? What would she say if-

"Wayne Residence, how may I help you?"

Chloe's eyes shot open. "Alfred?"

"Miss Chloe," he greeted fondly. "How are you?"

"Good... I'm... Good." She shook her head at herself, disgusted at her poor word choice. "You?"

"Good, as well. Are you looking for-"

"No," she interrupted, louder than she meant to. "Actually, I was going to see if you were free for lunch... So... Are you?"

"Yes, of course. Perhaps we could stop at the mall on the way and I could pick up another of those delightful Iced Cappuccino's..."

Chloe grinned, relaxing. "Sure. I wouldn't mind one myself."

"I can have the town car pick you up, if you'd like."

"No thanks. My feet are in great working order," she said teasingly. "I'll see you at the front doors of the mall in say... Twenty minutes?"

"Wonderful. See you then."

"Great. Bye."

Hanging up, Chloe threw her head back and sighed. What was wrong with her?

Frowning, she stood up from her chair and picked up her purse before reaching for her jacket. He may not be Bruce Wayne, but Alfred had his own charm and she couldn't say she wasn't looking forward to seeing him again.


Sitting in the middle of a mall food court, Chloe had to stifle a smile of amusement. Alfred looked terribly out of place, although he was doing a great job at hiding his discomfort.

"I gathered earlier that you were hesitant to call Master Wayne," Alfred said, lifting a brow at her as he stirred the last little bit his iced capp with a plastic straw.

She half-smiled. "Was I that obvious?"

He smiled lightly. "If it makes you feel any better, every time the phone rings he's quick to answer it... and just as quick to look less enthused when it isn't who he had hoped..." He stared at her meaningfully.

Chloe sighed. "What am I doing?" she asked, shaking her head. "I don't have time for handsome billionaires, Alfred. I barely have time to grocery shop."

He nodded understandingly. "The important thing to notice, Miss Chloe, is that despite what time limitations you have, you're trying to find a way to make time for Master Wayne. Shouldn't that be enough to tell you that whatever it is between you is something worth going after?"

She directed her eyes downward, thoughtfully. "Every time I reach for the phone, a million and one reasons go through my mind about why it's a bad idea..."

"And how many tell you it's a good idea?"

She looked up, her lips twitching. "A million and two..." She laughed, feeling her cheeks heat up. "But most of those reasons shouldn't count seeing as they're just highlighting how handsome, charming and what an incredible kisser he is..." She groaned.

Alfred chuckled slightly before reaching over and patting her hand. "Sometimes... we must stop thinking with our heads and pay attention to our hearts... Logic can sometimes hinder us from seeing far more meaningful things."

Looking up at him, she nodded. "You're sure..." She bit the inside of her cheek for a moment, "You're absolutely sure that I'm not just going to be another name on the Bruce Wayne list of dates, right?"

He stared at her seriously. "I can honestly say that I don't believe you are like any other woman who's come into Master Wayne's life... And I firmly believe he's noticed the same."

She felt her heart skip a beat at that and then grinned. "All right... Well, before we melt into a muddle of soap opera mush, why don't we stop by and get a refill on your iced capp and then make a small pit stop before we leave. I have a few things to pick up."

"Wonderful... I was getting down to the last of my drink as it was... Do they sell a home appliance that makes these delightful drinks, do you think?" he wondered hopefully as he walked next to her.

She grinned. "We'll take a look."


Later that night, Chloe slid her key into the lock only to pause. It sounded like somebody was inside. In fact, it sounded like somebody was rifling through her fridge. Sliding her hand into her purse, she pulled out her tazer and then turned the key, opening the door as quietly as possible. As she stepped inside, she scoped out her living room and found it empty. She maneuvered closer to the doorway of the kitchen, her body tense with anticipation. She steadied her breathing and then jumped out, tazer at the ready.

"Whoa!" Bart Allen stood with his hands up in the air in a surrendering motion. He had a fresh banana in his mouth, which muffled his voice, a cup of yogurt in one hand and a pre-wrapped bologna sandwich in the other. "White flag! White flag! I'll be your humble slave, just don't tazer me," he said dramatically, winking for effect.

With a sigh, Chloe walked back to her door, closed and locked it and then returned to find him pulling out a large jug of orange juice. "Bart, what are you doing here?"

He grinned, wiping the excess orange juice from his chin with the back of his arm. "Just popping in... Grabbing some grub. They guys'll be here in a few but Ollie thought it might be smart to give you some warning. He's pretty sure you don't check your messages..." Speeding past her in a red blur, she turned to find him sitting on her recliner, feet up and a pile of food in his lap. He motioned to the couch across from him. "So? Tell me what's been going on?"

With a slight smile, she walked over to take a seat. "You sure you wanna know? I haven't had the most unexciting first couple weeks," she warned.

His brows rose. "How exciting are we talking?"

She half-smiled. "In our world, what's really considered exciting anymore?" she reminded, eyes wide.

He sat up. "Tell me," he encouraged, mouthful of food.

Taking a deep breath, she let it all out, in strong detail.

In the end, Bart was laughing. "You're so gonna be hauled back home by Ollie! He's gonna flip when he finds out!"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm a grown woman, Bart. I think I can make my own decisions."

He stared at her, brow cocked. "He's not even gonna let you get a word in, 'licious. He'll have you packed and moved before you can blink."

Frowning, she shook her head. She knew Oliver and he could overreact at times. He was trying to look out for them, she knew that. And if he knew half of what happened while she was in Gotham, he really would be pushing her out the front door and hiring movers to get out of the city. But she had to put her foot down. She wasn't going to let him talk her into moving. While Gotham hadn't exactly been the easiest place to live in, it was really growing on her. And she kind of liked the darkness that surrounded it; it made her want to work harder to see just what good lay underneath.

Giving her a smile, Bart grabbed the remote control and flipped on the TV. It was going to be a long couple hours of worrying and trying to come up with a sound argument before the other guys showed up. Biting her lip, she rose from the couch and walked toward the balcony door. Her heart sank immediately. The second Oliver showed up at her apartment building, he'd already have an idea about how to get her out of Gotham. She had to work quickly.


Not for the first time, she wondered what she was doing. When she told Batman she'd be looking for a new place, she figured she could put it off awhile. So her apartment wasn't exactly homey... or safe... or even all that well put together. But it was in her price range and while he didn't think its location was particularly good, it had its advantages. She was more than a little closer to the city crime spree and had a front seat view to everything bad going on. All she had to do was walk a few blocks to the now charred harbor and the surroundings gangs and mobs weren't exactly living in the skyscrapers outside of the slums.

Eight tries later and every place she called was either unavailable or too much for her to pay each month. While Gotham Gazette wasn't exactly paying her minimum wage, the housing in Gotham wasn't cheap. The apartment she was living in now was just barely in her price range and she'd been lucky to get it on such short notice. But if she didn't have a solid excuse when Oliver showed up, she was a little worried she might just be moved out of Gotham before she could even get to the root of the new Joker problem. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate his concern; she did. But this was her life and one of the reasons she left Metropolis was to get out on her own. She needed to make a name for herself and it wasn't going to be done in a paper owned by Lex Luthor or any of his minions. And while she loved the Justice League, her calling was still in writing and she had to do her best to try her passion first.

With a sigh, she looked back down at the paper in front of her. There was only one ad left that she hadn't answered; one she had been hoping to avoid.

Looking for affordable housing here in Gotham?

Tired of living in the less than safe part of the city?

One, two, and three bedroom suites are now available!

Contact Wayne Enterprises, Housing Center for more information.

Sighing, Chloe plucked up the phone and dialed the number, chewing her lip as it rang. An automated directory answered, asking her if she knew which department she needed. A few minutes later, a real voice picked up.

"Wayne Enterprise, Housing Center. I should warn you that this call is being monitored for better quality customer assistance, is that all right?"

"Yes," she replied automatically.

"Great. My name is Jennifer, how may I help you today?" a cheerful woman asked.

"Uh, hi." She opened the paper once more, slightly glaring down at it. "I recently read the ad in the paper and-"

"I'm sorry! If you're referring to the ad in Sunday's Gazette, nearly all available suites have been filled."

Her eyes closed and she frowned. "Wait..." Her brow furrowed. "Nearly all?"

"Yes," she exclaimed in that overly cheerful voice of hers. "There is only one suite currently unfilled but it's on hold right now."

"On hold...?" she drew out, questioningly.

"A deposit has already been placed on the apartment via an anonymous donor."

Curiosity peaked, Chloe couldn't help but ask, "And this deposit, it was made so the apartment wouldn't be taken? So that a certain person could get the apartment at their leisure?"

"Yes ma'am."

Tapping the paper thoughtfully, she queried, "Can I ask who that person is?"

"You can but I am only allowed to disclose that information when the proper password is given."

"Really?" She mulled it over a moment and then said, "Cucumber sandwich?" Her brows were furrowed with uncertainty.

"Sorry ma'am."

She sighed, but nodded. "All right... Are there any clues?"

"Good question. It's a common proverb, four words, referring to a 1598 play by-"

"Curiosity killed the cat," she interrupted, a slow smirk tugging her lips up.

"Well done! The suite is on hold for a Miss. Chloe Sullivan."

She was fairly sure it was coming, but still, it nearly knocked her legs out from under her. "And you said the deposit was paid?" she asked, voice rather quiet.

"In full."

She quirked a brow. "But not the rent?"


"And if I- She... Shows up, she can rent the place immediately?"

"Yes. There are, of course, some papers to sign, but they've already been approved by Wayne Enterprises and so, all that's needed is Miss. Sullivan's suite."

She chewed her lip. "And if she denies the suite, what then?"

"It will still be on hold until she decides to take it."

Chloe shook her head. "But there are obviously more than one other family out there that might need the apartment? I mean-"

"We are under strict orders not to rent the apartment to anyone else, ma'am," she replied sternly before adding in her more than sweet voice, "Can I be of any more help?"

"No... Thanks..."

"No problem. Thank you for contacting Wayne Enterprises, Housing Center. We appreciate and value your cooperation! Have a good day!"

"Yeah, you too." Chloe hung up the phone and then sat back, shaking her head.

Her mouth battled to smile and frown simultaneously. The next time she saw Batman, she wasn't sure if she'd slug him or hug him. It was a toss up.

[Next: Chapter Fifteen.]

author: sarcastic_fina, fic: guardian angel, novel - batman:tdk/sv - chruce, crossover: batman/smallville, ship: chloe/bruce

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