Another 100 Chlean Drabbles - Chloe/Dean - Prompts 51 to 55

Dec 05, 2008 21:10

Title: Visiting Mom
Category: Smallville/Supernatural (Crossover)
Rating: K+
Genre: Angst/Family
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #51 - Grave
Word Count: 100
Summary: Holding his uncle's hand...

Visiting Mom

Holding his uncle's hand, Jared stared down at the stone marked grave in front of him. "Uncle Sammy? How come dad never comes to mom's grave?"

Sam sighed. "He does, J. He just... He does it when nobody else is around."

Jared looked up, confused. "Why?"

"Because he needs to say things to her in private."

"Oh..." He nodded. "Okay."

His dad was waiting by the Impala, same dark expression as usual, but he half-grinned when Jared got close and picked him up to hug him tight. "You talk to her?"



"And she loves me."

Dean agreed silently.

Title: Comparisons
Category: Smallville/Supernatural (Crossover)
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #52 - Machine
Word Count: 100
Summary: "It's just a car, Dean..."


"It's just a car, Dean. A machine."

"It's not just a car."

"Actually," Chloe said, kicking the front wheel. "It is!"

"Seriously... you want to rethink this."

"Seriously, I want you to realize that this car doesn't deserve more attention than me!"

"I pay you attention."

Chloe crossed her arms over her chest.

Sighing, Dean wrapped an arm around her waist. "Hey, I love my car, but come on... The Impala doesn't even compare..."

"You're only saying this to make me feel better. You'll apologize to it as soon as I leave."

"Her, Chloe. She's a her, not an it."

Title: Lost
Category: Smallville/Supernatural (Crossover)
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #53 - Destination
Word Count: 100
Summary: "Do you have any idea where we're going?"


"Do you have any idea where we're going?"

Dean glared at her, nodding. "Course I do."

She lifted a skeptical brow. "Really? Because I don't even think where we are is on the map anymore..."

He snorted, wiggling in his seat uncomfortably. "We're going North."

"To?" she drew out wonderingly.

"The... Northern... area..."

She rolled her eyes. "I was hoping for more of an exact destination here, Dean."

He sighed. "I'm not lost."

"You're lost."

Pursing his lips, he silently brooded. "Am not," he muttered.

Smiling to herself, she replied. "Are too."

It was going to be a long drive.

Title: Absolutely Nowhere
Category: Smallville/Supernatural (Crossover)
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #54 - Nowhere
Word Count: 100
Summary: "Congratulations..."

Absolutely Nowhere

"Congratulations. Your expert direction of 'North' got us absolutely nowhere."

A few shortcuts and back roads led them to extra, extra lost. "Get back in, I'll find the highway again."

"Yeah, heard that before," she muttered.

"So I took a wrong turn... or five."

"I wanna drive."

"What?" He snorted. "No way."

"Because you can do a better job?"

"No... Because she's my baby."

"And what am I?"

"The persistent nagging voice in the back of my head."

"And what is that voice saying now?"

He frowned. "Give the keys to Chloe."

"Listen to that voice."

He sighed in defeat.

Title: The Pie Tyrant
Category: Smallville/Supernatural (Crossover)
Rating: K+
Genre: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Dean
Prompt: #55 - Vegetables
Word Count: 100
Summary: "Eat your vegetables."

The Pie Tyrant

"Eat your vegetables," Chloe told him, pointing at his plate.

"I'm full."

"You're eying the pie; you're not full."

"Pie's got fruit in it," he reminded hopefully.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "You want pie, eat your vegetables." She smiled. "They'll help you grow big and strong so you can hunt evil demons..." she mocked lightly.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll eat the carrots but I draw the line at peas."

"Fine... But only one slice of pie."

"Come on!" he protested.

"With whip cream," she allowed.

Dean sighed. "Fine... Tyrant."

"I heard that."

"I love you."

She snorted. "Mmm hmm."

[Next: Prompts 56 to 60.]

fic: another 100 chlean drabbles, crossover: supernatural/smallville, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/dean

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